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Participatory Geographies Research Group

The Participatory Geographies Research Group (PyGyRG) is inviting proposals for sessions to be sponsored by PyGyRG at the 2025 Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) Annual International Conference.

Session sponsorship means that a session is linked as an official PyGyRG session in the full conference programme and enables greater promotion to, and engagement with, the broader participatory geographies community.

The PyGyRG looks forward to engaging with the conference theme on Creativity/Creative Geographies through diverse participatory theories, methods, tools, and approaches.

Please find all relevant details below.

Submission deadline

TL/DR – session proposals can be inclusive of all flavours of theoretical and applied participatory geography – including impactful, bottom-up, and action-oriented research – and should be emailed to Dr Aline M. Fernandes Barata at and Dr Caitlin Hafferty at by Monday 27 January 2025.

The RGS-IBG submission deadline for session proposals is 7 March.

Who can propose a session to PyGyRG

Anyone involved in the geographical research community is invited to propose a session for the RGS-IBG conference, inclusive of any career stage, background, and institutional affiliation.

We warmly encourage postgraduate and early career researchers to submit session ideas and are open to answering any questions to support this.

We welcome joint sessions with other research groups, which means that the session will be linked to PyGyRG and another group in the conference programme (e.g., DGRG, RGRG, GCYFRG).

Please note that session sponsorship does not include financial sponsorship.

PyGyRG session topics

The PyGyRG encourages innovative session formats and invite proposals for sessions that engage with the conference theme (Creativity/Creative Geographies), as well as sessions that draw from other aspects of participatory geography, including but not limited to:

  • Conceptual and applied research focused on delivering (and/or critiquing) real-world impact.
  • Participatory Action Research (PAR), Critical Participatory Action Research (CPAR), and other action-oriented approaches that involve researchers and participants working together.
  • Disciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary research at the interface between science, policy and practice.
  • Critical participatory, radical, and emancipatory approaches to science, capitalism, and colonialism.
  • More-than-human participation, democracy, and governance.
  • Community-led, place-based, grassroots and bottom-up research (as well as research that considers intersections with top-down and intermediary approaches).
  • Diverse types of engagement with publics, communities, and wider stakeholders.
  • Co-produced and co-designed work.
  • Research that engages with participatory and creative methods such as Photovoice, participatory video, participatory mapping and Geographic Information Systems (PGIS, PPGIS), digital participatory platforms and technologies, and more.

We encourage session convenors to actively involve relevant interdisciplinary academic and non-academic audiences, within and beyond the geography community.

Contact details

Guest passes are available from PyGyRG to support this. PyGyRG can offer guest passes, which cover the registration fee for a day’s attendance at the conference (but not travel and accommodation).

Please contact Aline and Caitlin for details about the application process.

To apply, session proposals should be emailed to Aline M. Fernandes Barata at and Caitlin Hafferty at by Monday 27 January 2025.

We are happy to answer any questions. The PyGyRG will review submissions and respond to convenors with a decision promptly after this date.

You can contact the RGS-IBG directly at with any questions about the session organisation and submission process.

What to include in your session proposal

Your session proposal should include:

  1. Title of session, including the name and contact details for the session convenors.
  2. Name of any co-sponsoring groups, if applicable.
  3. Abstract, outlining the scope of the session (approximately 250 words).
  4. Number of session time slots that you would like sponsored. The RGS permits a maximum of two slots of 1h40m. If you would like to request an additional slot, then please email the RGS directly to discuss this.
  5. Indication of the preferred organisation of your session, e.g., 4x20-min presentations plus discussion. Don’t worry if you don’t know full details yet.
  6. Indication for in-person, online, or hybrid formats. Please note that hybrid sessions are limited.

Please consider the RGS-IBG statement on accessibility at the conference when thinking about your session organisation and desired format.

How to submit your PyGyRG session proposal

Session proposals will need to be submitted directly to the RGS-IBG. Please see our guidance for session organisers for full details on how to design and submit a session for the conference.

Please also check our information about key dates and deadlines page.

Sessions can take numerous (traditional, non-traditional, creative!) formats. View our information on conference session formats for more details.

The RGS-IBG submission deadline for session proposals is 7 March, and session details should be submitted through our online submission portal, ExOrdo.