Fellowship offers a platform for those from a wide range of professional backgrounds to gain professional recognition, grow networks and expand their knowledge.
Benefits of Fellowship
Stay informed and expand your interests
- Subscription to online academic journals.
- Gain new insight at Monday night lectures in person or via livestream.
- Add on a subscription to Geographical magazine.
- Receive Society news in a monthly e-newsletter and termly Bulletin.
Connect with the community
- Attend member events with a guest and member-only gatherings.
- Expand your knowledge and networks in our Research Groups.
Access the building and our resources
- Enjoy catering in the Tea Room.
- Meet and work in the Members' Room.
- Apply for research grants for members.
- Watch recordings of lectures, talks and webinars in Talks on demand.
Gain professional recognition
- Make an application for Chartered Geographer accreditation.
- Use the post-nominal FRGS in your title.
Unlock member discounts
- Access the Foyle Reading Room free of charge, including the library.
- Access free and reduced rate tickets for conferences, CPD, seminars and events across the UK (including our Annual International Conference and the Explore symposium).
- Save with discounts at Stanfords and Wiley.
- Publish in Geo, the Society’s open access journal, for less.
- Hire our venue for less.
Support the Society
- Influence the Society's future by electing and voting for Council.
- Help the Society advance the discipline, empower geographers and reach new audiences.
Am I eligible?
Application for Fellowship is open to anyone, who can demonstrate:
- Either a sufficient involvement in geography or allied subject through training, professional work, research, publications or other work of a similar nature,
- Or five years continuous commitment to the Society as a Member.
How to join
One year's Fellowship is just £139 (with a one-off joining fee of £30).
By email: Download and complete the application form below, and send via email to membership@rgs.org
By post: Download and complete the application form below, and post it with your payment and CV addressed to: Membership Office, RGS-IBG, 1 Kensington Gore, London, SW7 2AR.

Information before you apply
- A breakdown of subscription options for the journals and Geographical magazine can be found in the application form.
- Life Fellowship is also available with price on application.
- Please note Fellowship is not available to purchase as a gift and must be completed by the individual applying.
- If you do not know another Fellow to propose your application, a Fellow from within the Society can act as a proposer when your application is accompanied by a covering statement and a CV.
- Our Fellows come from a diverse mix of career and academic backgrounds, if you use, or have used, geographic skills or knowledge extensively in the workplace, have a degree in geography/allied subject, or have a well-developed enthusiasm for geography, for example through journalism, expeditions or travel writing, then you are likely to be eligible.
Fellowship application form
Download application form (PDF)
Download application form (DOC)
Application form if you're in academia
If in academia, please fill out this form instead (simply complete Section A):
If you have any questions about joining us as a member, we'd be happy to speak to you.
Email us at membership@rgs.org or call all us at +44 (0)20 7591 3080