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Two people standing in front of a bookcase filled with various Society journal publications such as Transactions, Geo and Area.


We publish five leading international peer-reviewed geography journals: Area, The Geographical Journal, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, Geo: Geography and Environment, and WIREs Climate Change. Each year papers published in RGS-IBG journals are downloaded more than one million times worldwide.

All our journals are published by Wiley on behalf of the Society. All journals are members of, and subscribe to the principles of, the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Over 6,700 institutions subscribe to Area, The Geographical Journal and Transactions of The Institute of British Geographers. These titles are also made available to around 6,500 additional institutions via philanthropic initiatives. Papers published in Geo: Geography and Environment are immediately freely available to read and download.

Fellows, Associate Fellows and Student Members can read our journals online as part of their membership. If you have any queries about accessing online journals, please email

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Area journal cover for illustrative purpose.


Area publishes concise high quality papers and commentaries that shape key debates within and beyond the discipline. Area is an outlet for new debates and emerging scholars.

Geo covor logo.

Geo: Geography and Environment

Geo is a fully open access international journal. With the environmental crisis worsening, geographers can play a crucial role in conceptualizing and addressing these issues. Geo therefore seeks innovative, interdisciplinary, and impactful scholarship that addresses environmental challenges from a geographical perspective with the aim of providing a critical arena for research on topics such as climate change, sustainable development, and decolonization of environmental knowledge.

The Geographical Journal cover.

The Geographical Journal

The Geographical Journal has been the academic journal of the Royal Geographical Society since 1893. It publishes original research papers, review articles, and commentaries from across the discipline, with particular reference to public debates, policy-orientated agendas and notions of 'relevance'.

Logo for the journal Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers.

Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers

Transactions publishes the very best scholarship from around the world and across the whole spectrum of geographical research. It publishes ‘landmark’ articles that make a substantial theoretical, conceptual or empirical contribution to the advancement of geographical understanding. Transactions papers stimulate and shape research agendas in human or physical geography, and/or showcase the contribution of geographical research to advancing knowledge within and beyond the discipline.

Example of a WIREs Climate Change cover.

WIREs Climate Change

WIREs Climate Change is a Wiley journal published in association with the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) and the Royal Meteorological Society. It provides an important forum to promote cross-disciplinary discussion of a global phenomenon with long-term societal impact. Members, Fellows, Associate Fellows and Student Members have digital access to WIREs Climate Change as part of their membership package.

List of editors

  • Area: Dr Eli Lazarus (University of Southampton), Professor Mary Lawhon (University of Edinburgh), Professor Jonny Darling (Durham University) and Dr Jeremy Schmidt (Queen Mary University of London).
  • Geo: Dr Karen Bickerstaff (University of Exeter), Dr Christopher Darvill (University of Manchester), Dr Laurie Parsons (Royal Holloway University, London) and Dr Le Yu (Tsinghua University).
  • The GJ: Professor Peter Hopkins (Newcastle University), Professor Paul Milbourne (Cardiff University), Professor Joanna Bullard (Loughborough University), Dr Rebecca Collins (University of Chester) and Dr Trivik Verma (University of Bristol). 
  • Transactions: Professor Ben Anderson (Durham University), Professor Katherine Brickell (King's College London) and Professor Beth Greenhough (University of Oxford). The editors are supported by a team of 10 Editorial Board Members.
  • WIREs: Professor Maria Carmen Lemos (University of Michigan) and Professor Dan Friess (Tulane University).