- Home
- About us
- Our work
- What is geography?
- Relevance of geography
- Geography in schools
- Geography in research and higher education
- Geovisualisation
- Consultations
- Initial Teacher Training (ITT) market review
- Proposed changes to the assessment of GCSEs, AS and A levels in 2022
- All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) Inquiry on Africa and its diaspora in the UK School Curricula
- Ofqual: Arrangements for non-exam assessment for qualifications in 2022
- Department for Education/Ofqual consultation on how GCSE, AS and A level grades should be awarded in summer 2021
- Review of post-16 qualifications at level 3 in England
- Revised education for sustainable development (ESD) guidance
- Regulating quality and standards in higher education
- Erasmus+: UCML letter to Secretary of State for Education
- National Data Strategy
- National Data Strategy call for evidence
- Ofqual consultation on proposed changes to the assessment of GCSEs, AS and A Levels in 2021
- Review of the UK Social Science PhD
- OCR consultation on proposed GCSE in Natural History
- UN-GGIM Integrated Geospatial Information Framework
- Higher technical education consultation
- Subject content for digital Functional Skills qualifications
- Right to Privacy (Article 8) and the Digital Revolution
- Knowledge Exchange Framework consultation
- Society Publishers Accelerating Open Access and Plan S (SPA-OPS)
- Education inspection framework 2019: inspecting the substance of education
- Independent review of the Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework (TEF)
- Degree classification: transparent, consistent and fair academic standards
- Guidance on the implementation of Plan S
- Improving students’ ability to make the right choices about higher education for them
- Improving adult basic digital skills
- REF2021 consultation on the draft guidance and criteria
- Geospatial Commission: call for evidence
- Fourth Industrial Revolution inquiry
- Strengthening QTS and improving career progression for teachers
- Draft code of practice for statistics
- Mayor of London draft transport strategy
- ONS approach to measuring and reporting SDGs in the UK
- National Transport Strategy (Scotland)
- Skills Flagship Project
- Building our industrial strategy
- Second Research Excellence Framework (REF2021)
- Closing the STEM skills gap inquiry
- Teaching Excellence Framework technical consultation
- The impact of exiting the European Union on higher education
- Research Excellence Framework review (REF 2021)
- Purpose and quality of education in England
- Implementing the English Baccalaureate
- Fulfilling our potential: teaching excellence, social mobility and student choice
- Response to the Independent Working Group on a Core ITT Framework
- A standard for teachers' professional development
- Draft Concordat on Open Research Data
- Energy and Climate Change Committee priorities for holding Government to account
- 2021 Census: initial view on content for England and Wales
- Representation in advance of the 18 July 2015 Budget
- Nurse Review of research councils
- A Level and AS Geography consultation on conditions and guidance
- New A levels: subject content consultation
- Subject Benchmark Statement: Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences and Environmental Studies
- Review of the ESRC Doctoral Training Centres network
- Reformed GCSE AS and A Level subject content
- Developing new GCSE, A level and AS qualifications for first teaching in 2016
- Completing GCSE, AS and A Level reform
- Informing the future strategic direction of the ESRC
- Subject Benchmark Statement: Geography
- Student number controls and teaching funding: consultation on arrangements for 2012-2013 and beyond
- Review of the role of metrics in research assessment
- Open access and submissions to the REF post-2014
- New A Level regulatory requirements
- Open access in the post-2014 Research Excellence Framework
- GCSE reform consultation (Ofqual)
- National curriculum review: new programmes of study and attainment targets from September 2014
- College of Teaching consultation
- Reformed GCSE subject content consultation
- Secondary school accountability consultation
- Reform of the National Curriculum in England
- RCUK policy and guidance on open access
- Open Access (BIS committee evidence)
- Reform to Key Stage 4 qualifications
- Science and Society
- Proposal to merge British Antarctic Survey and National Oceanography Centre
- Career guidance for young people
- Proposals for the reform of A Levels in England
- Review of controlled assessment
- Government alcohol strategy
- Education in London
- Careers guidance for schools, sixth form colleges and further education institutions
- Higher education in STEM subjects
- The census and social science inquiry
- Draft panel criteria and working methods (REF 2014)
- Spending Review 2010 inquiry
- Qualifications for 14 to 16 year-olds and performance tables
- Allocation method for postgraduate research funding from 2012-13
- Demand management: funding the best social science in the most efficient and effective way
- Practical experiments in school science lessons and science field trips
- Cultural education in England
- Green Paper on a common strategic framework for future EU research and innovation funding
- Allocation of science and research funding
- ESRC strategic priorities
- National Curriculum Review (2011)
- Inquiry into the English Baccalaureate
- Inquiry into the future of higher education
- Policy options for geographic information from Ordnance Survey
- Learning outside the classroom
- Health and safety of learning outside the classroom (HASLOC)
- The impact of spending cuts on science and scientific research
- Research Excellence Framework - second consultation (REF2014)
- Building support for development
- Enhancing the impact of social research on policy
- Rose Review: Historical, social and geographical understanding programme of learning
- Rose Review: Independent review of the primary curriculum
- Diploma in Humanities and Social Science
- A vision for science and society
- Rose Review: Evidence submitted to the Primary Review
- Inquiry into the National Curriculum (2008)
- Proposed Research Excellence Framework (2008) (REF2014)
- NERC strategy (2007)
- RCUK large facilities roadmap
- Draft Geography KS3 National Curriculum
- Draft GCSE Subject Criteria for Geography
- Postgraduate funding
- Education outside the classroom manifesto
- 1+3 model for postgraduate funding
- Reform of higher education research assessment and funding
- Research Excellence Framework 2028: issues for further consultation following the initial decisions
- The future of population and migration statistics in England and Wales
- Joint response from the Society and the GA to the Advanced British Standard (ABS) consultation
- Curriculum and assessment review
- Impact of geography
- Transforming inland water quality management through a global satellite observatory
- Redesigning global climate technology policy and funding
- Mainstreaming Green Infrastructure in the UK
- Improved mapping of residential populations for targeted public health planning, service delivery, a
- Building climate resilience in Africa by enhancing anticipatory risk management
- Mobile network data for disaster relief and infectious disease control
- Innovative aquatic geoforensics in the search for sunken objects
- Assessing blue carbon resources: Ensuring coastal protection and climate change mitigation through S
- Improving water and food security in tropical Africa
- Shaping UN and national guidance on policies and practices to protect oceans and coastal ecosystems
- Advancing polar geopolitics in foreign and defence policy, school education and public understanding
- Hazardous waste and the circular economy
- Achieving access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all
- Supporting planning and housing policy reform around the world
- Improving sustainable wildflower harvesting practices in South Africa’s Western Cape
- Mobilising urban living labs to create sustainable infrastructure
- Building infrastructure resilience through innovative monitoring and forecasting of landslide hazard
- Shaping global climate change policy
- Adapting water and energy infrastructure to climate change
- Influencing national cultural preparedness for environmental extremes in Malta
- Securing supply chains for sub-Saharan Africa’s smallholder farmers
- Informing and shaping policies to conserve, restore, and enhance inland fisheries
- The state and the vulnerable: Using social research to facilitate more effective policy intervention
- Vegetation analytics and management along power line corridors
- Biometric data in the age of algorithms
- Effective prison and community-based interventions: Building humanising rehabilitative environments
- Enhancing policies at the UN and the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement to improve volunteer suppor
- Cities and climate change: UN-Habitat guiding principles
- From waste to resource productivity
- Accelerating sustainable urban development interventions by the UN in transition economies
- Reframing approaches to the implementation of regional development programmes by the European Union
- Homelessness: Shaping legislation in England and Wales, and informing international policy debates
- Equipping organisers with a novel toolkit to reduce the environmental impact of major sport and cult
- Establishing the Pitcairn Islands Marine Reserve
- Restoring farmland ponds
- The Scott Polar Research Institute’s Polar Museum
- Natural coastal protection and risk reduction by intertidal wetlands
- Pioneering computer models have transformed global flood risk management
- Novel approaches to improve nuclear safety in Europe and Japan
- Enabling coexistence between humans and wild carnivores
- Increasing resilience in remote societies facing sustainable development, climate change, and disast
- Transforming recycling policy and food waste diversion in Shanghai, China
- Using a computer model (MORPH) for environmental decision-making to balance the needs of birds and s
- Discovering and preserving human fossil footprints at White Sands National Park, United States
- Improving quality standards for recreational waters with enhanced data collection and real-time mode
- Better boundaries for the collection and publication of official statistics
- Transforming decision making in winter road maintenance using low-cost environmental sensor networks
- The where and why of global poverty: Changing understanding of the location of global poverty
- Research leads to local, national, and international policies and actions that reduce air pollution
- Effective torture prevention? Detention safeguards and the reduction of torture
- Advances to jet engine operations developed from novel volcanic ash records
- Cycle network policy, planning and investment transformed by the Propensity to Cycle Tool
- Conservation, livelihoods and environmental futures: improving policy and practice in Mongolia
- Improving subnational economic development and decentralisation policy in the UK
- Supporting rural development through short food supply chains and local food systems
- ReefBudget: a new global coral reef monitoring tool to support reef conservation and management
- Changing museum practice to create cultural legacies for mental health groups and other communities
- Climate Just: shaping more socially-aware responses to climate change
- Amplifying Indigenous knowledge within environmental management and governance in South America
- Hydrogeomorphological monitoring and assessment tools for rivers
- Evidence-based catchment management with SCIMAP
- Applying geographical science to settle a 160 year-old border dispute
- Turning environmental forensic evidence into effective soil conservation policy
- Transforming shoreline management policy and practice
- Building resilience to earthquake and landslide hazard in Nepal
- Avoiding extinction: conservation initiatives to save a critically endangered giant freshwater fish
- Warmer, healthier homes: tackling fuel poverty with a geographic approach to energy efficiency measu
- Securing ‘the right to stay put’ for those being displaced by state-led gentrification
- Supporting public action to secure water sources in the Indian Himalayas
- Improving the wellbeing of international women migrants and their families in Indonesia
- Using Earth Observation to tackle modern slavery
- Global mangrove watch: informing public policy for the conservation and protection of mangrove fores
- Mapping malaria transmission using hydromorphology to inform public health strategies in Africa
- Forensic geoscience to aid the police and community
- Influencing the design of new prisons and the retrofit of existing carceral spaces to improve prison
- Shaping national and global decision making on emissions of greenhouse gases and ozone depleting sub
- Global satellite data for improved climate and weather predictions
- Addressing gender inequalities in IT: UK and India
- Returning missing people: changing professional practice and policy
- Geographers and legal impact: scoping the field
- Delivering multiple co-benefits in blue-green cities
- Improving safety and sustainability in food production by co-producing weather forecasts
- Developing models of governance and praxis for local climate action
- Understanding geographical patterns of forced migration from domestic violence
- GRID3: Using geospatial data techniques to fight disease and improve population estimates
- Living Legacies highlights the untold story of WW1 in Northern Ireland
- Liveable Lives: participatory research into lived LGBTQ experiences in England & West Bengal, India
- Using remote sensing and experimental innovation to understand, monitor and forecast wildfires
- Measuring the healthiness of places to improve planning, public health and local government policy
- Using GIS to cut down on fatbergs and flooding in the Thames Valley
- Using modelling to understand journey times and jobcentre use
- Financing net zero: how can investment meet the climate challenge?
- Journey times for policy-making, delivery and evaluation
- HWISE: developing household-scale metrics to tackle water insecurity
- Working beyond the border
- Protecting children’s interests in the asylum process
- Reducing the human misery and financial cost of future floods
- Spatial Hub: Turning local government data into self-sustaining assets
- Tackling health inequality in former coalfield communities
- Access to local services that keep me healthy, safe and well
- Count Me In Too: LGBT community experiences in Brighton
- Sefton Council uses geographic information systems to support more open data sharing
- Understanding and addressing fire, degradation and carbon emissions in Indonesia’s peatlands
- Collaborative approaches to tackling the climate emergency in Bangladesh
- Arsenic - the geography of a global problem
- Revolutionising the census with new methods for population data in the UK
- Garden Village developments take young people’s needs into account
- Characterising coastal erosion and cliff retreat to inform local planning in North Yorkshire
- Intelligent highway management: How spending on local roads and footpaths is decided
- Protecting access to allotments
- New perspectives on historical accounts of exploration
- Assessing the impact of the London 2012 Olympics
- South Ayrshire Council uses Story Maps to boost engagement
- Making roads safer and saving money for councils
- Mapping the value of nature
- Improving urban environments by revitalising degraded rivers
- Preserving the nation’s digital map heritage
- Using unique property references for effective asset management in Conwy
- Improving access to information in emergency response situations
- Improving planning for an ageing population
- Coordinating contributions from volunteer mappers for rapid disaster response
- Connecting the unconnected communities
- Bridging the skills gap to inspire the geospatial experts of the future
- Consumption controversies: alcohol policies in the UK
- Improving the effectiveness and safety of mine detection
- Improving the health and quality of rivers and water bodies
- Understanding household movements between deprived areas to better target regeneration
- Understanding migration within the UK
- Water policy in the UK
- UK migration controversies: a simple guide
- UK flood risk management: policy recommendations
- Small area data: Looking towards a 2021 census
- Metro mayors
- Storm geomorphology: geomorphic contributions in an age of extremes
- The future of small area population statistics
- Putting a price on the priceless: valuing nature?
- What keeps the UK healthy? Geographical perspectives on work and worklessness
- Navigating the perfect storm: international dimensions
- The case for High Speed Rail: a regional, social and economic perspective
- A perfect storm ahead: food, water and energy security
- 21CC - Seeking common ground?
- Reducing the environmental impact of single-use plastics
- 21CC - Europe's Migration Crisis?
- 21CC - A 'United' Kingdom?
- 21CC - Rescaling the UK energy system
- 21CC - Cities, growth and rebalancing the UK economy
- Water policy seminars
- 21CC - Resilience to climate change: who pays (and who benefits)?
- Transforming health-related employment support across the UK
- Enhancing resilience, improving livelihoods, and protecting carbon stocks of intact tropical peatlan
- Conserving marine mammals and their habitat through a better understanding of their behavior and the
- Enhancing the identification, protection and restoration of blanket bog in the UK and Spain
- Strengthening space-based terrestrial vegetation monitoring capability with the European Space Agenc
- Opening up digital fieldwork technology to staff and students in further and higher education
- Increasing palm oil sustainability to conserve Malaysia’s tropical peatland
- Developing spatial decision-support tools to benefit biodiversity by advancing conservation standard
- Changing mindsets, policy, and practice towards a Blue-Green approach to urban flood risk management
- Changing the approach of water management across Ireland through the uptake of field-scale diffuse p
- Improving and protecting domestic water sources
- Influencing policy and management to control nutrient enrichment in inland and coastal waters
- Controlling eutrophication and algal blooms to safeguard human and ecosystem health and prevent econ
- Protecting fish from high river temperatures under climate change
- Enabling international land managers to mitigate water contamination risks from wildfires
- Protecting the best and restoring the rest: Successful implementation of water policy and action for
- Informing flood risk management and resilience strategies nationally and globally
- Effecting a paradigm shift in water industry approaches to water resource management
- Generating geographic data to inform policy, social welfare, and learning for tackling health and so
- Creating global evidence-based radiological protection for the environment
- Mapping and mitigating harmful invasive species
- Growing up on the streets: Influencing global and local policy and practice with and for street chil
- Wetland management and sustainable livelihoods in sub-Saharan Africa
- New measurements of trees and forests: Improving global observations for climate and carbon studies
- Enabling children and young people to shape sustainable urban change
- Fairwork: Improving working conditions in the digital gig economy
- Reducing the impact of flooding on society
- Migration and constitutional change in Scotland
- Empowering local communities to reduce health vulnerabilities after disasters
- Shaping the Nene Valley Nature Improvement Area
- Accelerating decarbonisation of the GB Whole Energy System through governance reform
- New policy-focused practices in marine ecosystem-based management
- Spatial planning research reforms practice, participation and policy to empower city regions and com
- Working with nature to enhance urban liveability: The multi-functional role of urban blue green infr
- Dynamic coastal dunes: Improving understanding and changing management to benefit a threatened habit
- Angry weather: Changing public discourse and meteorological services for extreme weather attribution
- Maximising the impact of smart meters
- Embedding understanding and governing climate-related risks at the Bank of England
- Historic coastal landfill and legacy waste
- The Centre for Studies of Home: Collaborative research with the Museum of the Home
- ‘Living Legacies 1914-18’: Sharing contested heritage through digital and spatial humanities
- Transforming time: Understanding climate change and human history using IntCal radiocarbon calibrati
- Presenting places: connecting with, and preserving, the past
- Transformative gas sensing technology in volcano monitoring
- Innovative acquisition, analysis, and visualisation of geodemographic data
- Planning infrastructure systems to support sustainable development through the United Nations
- Projection Augmented Relief Models
- The social, economic and environmental impacts of a Marine Protected Area
- Smart handpumps: improving drinking water services in rural Africa
- The Everyday Austerity project
- Human–wildlife interactions and coexistence
- Moana Water of Life: navigating climate change for planetary health
- Labour rights and provisions in EU and UK trade policy
- Mainstreaming net-zero emissions in investment and business strategies
- Building resilience to climate change with cocoa farmers in Ghana
- Sounding Coastal Change
- The Transition Pathway Initiative
- Resolving conflict between protected species and infrastructure development
- Participatory policy-making on global food insecurity
- Rewilding and species reintroductions research
- Improving understanding of the risks of pests
- New land-management policies and practices following advances in wilderness mapping
- Formal protection for South American and African peatlands
- Seismic shift: the transformation of UK government policy on fracking
- Earth Observation research enables use of satellite data to reduce impacts of wildfires
- Spatial policy support systems
- Government policy and homebuilding practices influenced by community-led housing
- Sustainable wildmeat harvests and rural food security in Gabon
- Enhanced visibility of marginalised perspectives and non-pecuniary values regarding land
- Improving the use of empirical evidence to increase returns on public expenditure and investments
- Challenging Scottish exceptionalism on racism and Islamophobia
- Transforming European energy poverty policy
- Crafting Resistance: the art of Chilean political prisoners
- Transforming international efforts to end Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting
- Transforming behavioural public policy delivery and practitioner practices through the MBBI programm
- Protecting human health from infectious diseases in low-resource settings
- Delivering smart ticketing in Great Britain
- Changing global political, humanitarian, media and public understanding and actions on political vio
- Stopping the poachers: technological solutions for rhino conservation
- Coastal dune evolution and management
- The future for rural mobility symposium
- Governance
- Our history
- Our people
- Visit us
- Contact us
- Work for us
- Support us
- Press and media
- Who we work with it
- Choose geography
- Schools
- Resources for schools
- Discovering the Weddell Sea - Education for Antarctic Conservation
- Seeing the wood for the trees: how will increased atmospheric CO2 affect forests?
- The Water Diaries
- Primary Fieldwork
- Dr John Shears and the 2019 Weddell Sea expedition
- Primary TeachMeet 2 March 2021 speaker presentations
- The surprise bestseller: Small Gases, Big Effect by David Nelles and Christian Serrer
- Stay Home Stories
- Ofsted HMI Iain Freeland on what contributes to high-quality curricula, assessment and pedagogy
- Dr Jess Hope and Grace Healy on sustainable development: what does Bolivia teach us?
- 39 Ways to Save the Planet
- Responsible and ethical use of location data with Doug Specht
- Kiss the Ground
- Literacy Lowdown
- Geography Superheroes
- Shackleton's life and expeditions
- Make your own model of Endurance
- Geography teacher Ben Ranson on studying Core Maths and teaching numeracy
- Geographical cartograms
- Geography Subject Knowledge Programme
- 39 Ways to Save the Planet with Professor Vincent Gauci
- Liquid natural gas
- The Routes Journal: what is it?
- Dr Sabina Lawreniuk on female workers in the global garment industry
- Shackleton’s Endurance - A story of adventure and leadership
- Marine plastic in the Southern Ocean with Dr Clara Manno
- Plastics in the Pacific: an archipelago under threat
- FT for schools
- Geographies of Sustainable Development: what does Bolivia teach us?
- Dr Anjana Khatwa and the UNESCO World Heritage Jurassic Coast
- TeachMeet 11 May 2021 speaker presentations
- What is the Anthropocene?
- The Galapagos Islands and Leonardo DiCaprio
- What is the bioeconomy in the NE of England?
- The geography of bike crime
- Studying, understanding and preventing bike crime
- Bitcoin and El Salvador
- The Canadian heatwave
- Geographer and entrepreneur Nicholas 'Charles Tyrwhitt' Wheeler
- Teachers Hafsa Bobat and Kate Stockings on receiving the Ordnance Survey Award
- Ten maps that reveal the future of global power and politics - Tim Marshall
- Trade, manufacturing, and microchips
- Colour blind friendly mapping
- Jane Rumble on Antarctica and the Arctic
- CCS and DAC: what does it all mean?
- Debating Global Governance: “Model UNPO” role play
- Old coal mines in the UK: could they heat our homes?
- My2050
- Dr Roucoux and the tropical peatlands of Peru
- Aguaje and tropical peatlands in Peru
- 39 Ways to save the Planet - Tom Heap
- How to save our Planet - Professor Mark Maslin
- How can I incorporate the IPCC report into my teaching?
- La Palma continues to erupt
- Professor Lindsey McEwen and the DRY Utility resources
- Why are the worlds big rivers so different?
- Professor Kate Heppell on chalk stream environments
- Rivers
- Gendered divisions in work and care
- Gender inequality and women in geography
- The geopolitics of Chinese investment and influence in Africa with Dinko Hanaan Dinko
- China Africa relations: the Great Power Competition
- TeachMeet 19 January 2022 speaker presentations
- Copper in the twenty-first century
- Climate change and the Russian Arctic
- Primary TeachMeet 23 Feb 2022 speaker presentations
- The Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai 2022 volcanic eruption
- Makeshift Accommodations- Housing precarity and possibilities of living in Dhaka and Mumbai - Shreya
- Professor Yadvinder Malhi on climate change and ecosystem recovery
- Ecosystem restoration
- Experiencing Geography
- Teaching Ernest Shackleton as a significant individual in Primary History at KS1
- Small Gases, Big Effect
- What is the Blue Belt Programme?
- Cartograms and cartography with Professor Ben Hennig
- Las Bambas
- Videos to support careers education
- How to use ArcGIS in geography with Jason Sawle
- Make your own model of Everest
- Asian mega-deltas with Professor Large and Dr Henderson
- UK tourism and the North Coast 500
- Climate Change Tiles
- Climate risk indicators activity sheet
- Living deltas
- The Elizabeth line
- Africa in the UK Curriculum
- The Elizabeth line, Crossrail
- How to record audio when out in the field with Celia Robbins
- Field recording for school data collection
- The Maroons of Jamaica
- Why are soils essential?
- Soil structure
- The 2022 Pakistan floods
- TeachMeet 21 September 2022 speaker presentations
- Professors Mike Bradshaw and Klaus Dodds on the war in Ukraine, geopolitics and energy
- A cooling Earth: monitoring its hazards - Associate Professor Dr Matthew Blackett
- Study Geography supplement
- Geography and farming
- Impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability from the IPCC 2022 report
- COVID-19 through the lens of a health geographer
- Social and racial inequalities from COVID-19 in São Paulo, Brazil
- Art and the representation of place with Francesca Sanders
- The World Cup in Qatar: what is the Kafala system?
- Elliot Arthur-Worsop and the story of Football For Future (part 2)
- Geography, identity and football with journalist and author David Goldblatt (part 1)
- The Allerton Project with farmer and conservationist Joe Stanley
- 39 ways to save the planet - Tom Heap and Tamsin Edwards
- 2019 Weddell Sea Expedition
- Food production, circulation and consumption
- The four corners of the food crisis
- Feeding the 9 billion
- Fast Food Geography
- Fast Food Farmers
- Should I stay or should I go?
- Tourist destinations in Thailand
- How is climate changing? Poster
- Sustainable Development Goal 6 - Clean Water and Sanitation
- Water access and social inequality in India
- What are the big challenges for global water security?
- How does international aid work?
- Natural disasters and conflict
- Aid and influence
- Geographies of waste
- Plastic pollution in the oceans
- Plastic Citizen: Shaping the future
- Population change and ethnic (de-?)segregation in London: evidence from the Census
- Mapping population and displacement
- Who wants to live forever?
- Amazon deforestation and its impact on weather
- Razing the rainforest
- Unravelling the Mediterranean Migration Crisis
- Life below water infographic
- Governing the oceans: How (almost) everything you own moves from A to B
- Conflict and peace
- Horn of Africa
- Geographies of conflict poster
- Development indicators and conflict
- Map skills
- Subject knowledge animation: Map skills
- Summary of the Society's primary resources
- COVID-19: When the world turned upside down
- Stigma, Cultural Traditions and Identities: A New Geography of Health
- Malaria, mosquitos and maps
- Global health in the 21st Century
- You are what you eat
- Follow the thing: Papaya
- The ‘Behind the Brands’ Campaign
- Fair Trade
- Energy in China
- Migrants on the Margins - Mike Collyer and Laura Hammond
- Beyond borders: changing geographies of migration and asylum - Dr Jonathan Darling
- Mount Everest and its ascent
- Mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes
- Forests and the carbon cycle
- Teaching the Census through GIS
- ArcGIS Online resources
- The beauty of Earth Observation: Dr Fleur Visser
- How is globalisation changing the countryside?
- Extreme Weather: The history of human-environmental interactions and our climatic past - Professor G
- Ecosystems (activities for GCSE)
- Geography at Home Worksheets
- Geography at Home
- Geography and Core Maths Resources
- Discovering the Arctic
- Online lectures
- Online lectures for School Members poster
- Gentrification: London and beyond - Professor Loretta Lees
- Geography in the News
- Higher Education resources for geography
- Where are the billionaires?
- Am I a global citizen? Areas at risk from natural hazards
- What do you know about Africa?
- Aaron Wyld on hypsometry and geomorphic evolution
- Victoria Ayodeji - Hackney to the University of Cambridge
- A conversation with Nathaniel Rich on 1979 to 1989 'The Decade We Could Have Stopped Climate Change'
- Digimap for Schools CPD session May 2020
- Case study: Flooding on the Somerset Levels and Moors 2013/14
- Choose Geography video
- Discovering Galapagos
- Countryside Survey using ArcGIS Online
- News roundup
- River and coastal fieldwork approaches
- Weddell Sea poster
- How is climate and its science governed in Russia?
- How do graphic novels help understanding of natural disasters?
- Why is sand a powerful natural resource?
- How is place-attachment and belonging managed in refugee re-settlement?
- How is creativity produced in the Caribbean?
- What is rural gentrification?
- What do cartoons tell us about global politics?
- How is high street regeneration managed?
- What is the relationship between comic books and geopolitics?
- How do we map global change?
- Why is the Weddell Sea important?
- How do glacial surfaces evolve over time?
- What makes the Arctic unique?
- Giant icebergs and the carbon cycle
- Urban transformation and belonging
- Coastal landscapes - poster
- How do we talk about environmental risk?
- How is internal migration changing cities?
- Internally displaced people - poster
- How are cities changing? Poster
- What is migration? Poster
- Could digital technology make safer cities?
- Carbon cycle - Professor Jeremy Pritchard
- Sustainable consumption and production
- Hazard management - Dr Amy Donovan
- Discovering Oman
- Water Security – Professor Chad Staddon
- Coasts - Hunstanton Cliffs and NW Norfolk
- Hazards and Volcanic Gas Emissions
- Ocean governance and political seas
- Natural disasters: How to improve?
- Community gardens and growing places
- River landscapes
- High street regeneration: place-making and changing spaces - Dr Steve Millington
- GCSE fieldwork ideas
- Air quality survey
- GIS at Key Stage Three
- Using GIS
- Using Google Earth
- Google Earth
- Embedding geographical information systems into the curriculum
- Google Maps: Getting started with GIS - for free
- Embedding careers education into geography lessons
- Introducing the global dimension
- Careers education in the geography curriculum
- Key Stage 3, Key Processes
- Active participation in geography
- Cultural Understanding and Diversity
- Sustainable Development Across the Curriculum
- Geographical Animations
- Key Stage Three curriculum
- Geography and literacy
- Questioning: Ideas and strategies
- Geography in the news - a KS3-4 bridge curriculum
- Better assessment in geography: making assessment work for you and your learners
- Teaching Gifted and Talented Geographers
- Raising the bar: Assessment in KS3 geography
- From good to outstanding teaching
- Curriculum making: Creating an outstanding geography curriculum
- Leading a curriculum area
- Standing out: Building outstanding geography departments
- How to improve links between schools and local university geography
- Raising the profile of geography
- Team teaching
- Building leadership capacity: Middle manager or middle leader?
- Geography and MFL
- Map work and music
- Teaching controversial issues
- Population and migration
- Sustainable development
- Tectonic hazards and emergencies
- Culture and identity
- Globalisation
- Climate change
- Fieldwork strategies
- Presenting the importance of fieldwork to your senior management
- Policy and Government
- Geographical Information Systems
- Society
- The built environment
- Development and global issues
- The business world
- The physical environment
- Travel, tourism and leisure
- The case for qualitative fieldwork
- Relief
- Map projections
- Longitude and latitude
- Grid references
- Distance and scale
- Sustainable Development Goal 14 - Life Below Water
- Mass movement
- Direction and bearings
- Sustainable Development Goal 13 - Climate Action
- Sustainable Development Goal 15 - Life On Land
- The Hydrogen Economy
- Biomass Energy
- The Rock Cycle
- Rock Types
- Sustainable Development Goal 9 - Industry and Innovation
- Sustainable Development Goal 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth
- Migration
- Managing Flood Events (Soft Engineering)
- Managing Flood Events (Hard Engineering)
- Managing Avalanches
- Causes of Avalanches
- Aid
- Modernisation Theory
- Development Indicators
- Global North South Divide
- Demographic Transition Model
- Youthful populations
- Ageing Populations
- El Nino and Development
- Sustainable Development Goals
- Sustainable Development Goal 11- Sustainable Cities and Communities
- Sustainable Development Goal 12 - Responsible Consumption
- Sustainable Development Goal 7- Affordable and Clean Energy
- Tropical Rainforest Biome
- Cold Desert Biome
- Hot Desert Biome
- The Savanna Biome
- The Temperate Deciduous Biome
- The Tundra Biome
- Ecotourism
- Animal Adaptations (Extreme Cold)
- Animal Adaptations (Extreme Hot)
- Food Webs
- Plant Adaptations (Extreme Cold)
- Plant Adaptation (Extreme Hot)
- National Identity
- Identity
- Venn Diagram Activity
- Classroom careers resources
- Michael Palin’s letter promoting GCSE and A Level geography
- Why I Love Geography video
- Nick Crane's letter promoting further study and careers in geography
- Going Places with Geography video
- Going Places with Geography brochure and poster
- Make your own fieldwork equipment: Clinometer
- Make your own fieldwork equipment: Vegetation sward height
- Make your own fieldwork equipment: Species coverage
- Make your own fieldwork equipment: Gradient
- Make your own fieldwork equipment: Suspended sediment
- Make your own fieldwork equipment: Soil compaction
- Make your own fieldwork equipment: Infiltration
- Fieldwork down your street
- Sustainable communities
- Sustainable shopping
- Clone town survey
- Place profiling
- What’s in a name?
- Road Race
- Stars in your lives
- School grounds ecosystems study
- School grounds fieldwork
- Sense of place
- Using census data
- Map skills ideas
- Sustainability
- Rural studies
- Urban studies
- Tourism
- Weather and Climate fieldwork ideas
- Environmental Studies
- Ecosystems
- Water supply and management
- Coastal processes and management
- River processes and management
- Inclusive Fieldwork
- Quick and easy fieldwork ideas
- How is Britain changing?
- Cutting-edge developments in mapping science - Jeremy Morley
- Moving from the Millennium Development Goals to the Sustainable Development Goals - Professor Katie
- London's gentrification game - Professor Chris Hamnett
- Not just economics: what we know about why social inequality persists - Professor Danny Dorling
- What's going on in Greenland? - Professor Alun Hubbard
- Why Does Antarctica Matter?
- Life on the edge: suburban enquiry
- Galapagos (activities for GCSE)
- Data skills in the workplace
- Data skills in geography – useful links
- Exploring Africa
- Support for geographical learning: Cambridge PGCE - Maths and Geography
- Investigating opinions
- Transport
- Soundscapes
- Geotagging
- Primary Fieldwork in London
- Examples of Schemes of Work - KS2 and KS3
- Curriculum planning
- Global Systems and Global Governance
- Dryland Landscapes
- Weather and Climate
- Water and Carbon cycles
- Landscape systems
- Glaciated landscapes
- Changing Place; Changing Places
- Google Earth as a fieldwork tool
- Free GIS and maps for fieldwork
- Ecosystem studies
- Urban studies ideas
- Quality of life
- Investigating the geography of crime
- Teachers' guide to LondonMapper
- Passport to the Poles
- Encounters: Images of Empire
- Brazil cityscapes - Rio de Janeiro
- Journeys - Caribbean stories
- Afghanistan - Moving stories
- Glossary V - Z
- Glossary S - U
- Glossary P - R
- Glossary M - O
- Glossary J - L
- Glossary G - I
- Glossary D- F
- Glossary A - C
- Will the shale gale prevail?
- What’s going on in Greenland?: Professor Alun Hubbard
- The Landgrabbers
- Siberia - its history and its people: Professor Janet Hartley
- Saving the last cheetahs of Iran
- Mayhem on the Mekong
- London versus the rest
- Junkyard planet
- Future Oceans: a Sea of Hope or Despair
- Flooding, climate change and the resilience of cities: Alex Nickson
- Glossary - weather
- Weather experiments
- Weather data
- Weather and climate resources: Key Stage Three
- Weather and climate resources: Key Stage Two
- Weather and climate resources: Key Stage One
- Glossary - climate change
- Climate change resources: Key Stage Five
- Climate change resources: Key Stage Three
- Concreting the countryside
- Migration: skills and the job market
- London under water
- Future of low carbon energy
- Engineering our climate
- Importing goods, exporting drought?
- Digital divide in the UK?
- Not in my back yard
- Can the UK ever be sustainable?
- Persistent poverty in Britain
- Digital technology in Africa
- Adapting to an urban future
- Mobile middle class
- Escape to the city
- Air quality for all
- Equalising education
- Made in Britain
- Urban and settlement
- Tourism and recreation
- Human impact studies
- Rural investigations
- Ecosystems fieldwork techniques
- Rivers fieldwork techniques
- Microclimate
- Coasts fieldwork techniques
- Sampling techniques
- Sketching and photography
- Mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes poster
- Weather and climate Poster
- Subject Knowledge Animation: Russia
- Chinese cities and urban life
- The Language of Mathematics in Science - a Guide for Teachers of 11-16 Science
- Ymchwiliad Annibynnol Safon Uwch Daearyddiaeth – Canllaw i Fyfyrwyr
- Using data badly – a user’s guide for the unwary geography student
- Water cycle: Lessons using data skills
- ArcGIS posters
- Restless climate: Lessons using data skills
- Analysing glacial sediments
- OCR coastal landscapes and exploring places
- Linking the water and carbon cycles
- FSC statistical methods
- A student guide to the A Level independent investigation (Non-examined Assessment - NEA)
- Changing places A Level lesson plans
- What is chi-square? An example looking at Brexit
- Using maps and data to look at the geography of world development
- An introduction to Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
- Why the future of geography is cheap
- If the line fits: inequality, statistics and The Spirit Level
- A Short Introduction to Quantitative Geography
- Well-being in the aftermath of a flood
- Investigating the social and political responses to flooding
- The Upside Down Forest
- Earthquakes in New Zealand
- Arid environments
- Tectonic landscapes
- Glacial landscapes
- Energy security
- Exploring Everest
- Grand Alpine Tour
- Seaweed farming
- Coral reef ecosystems
- Urbanisation and migration
- Moorland Ecology
- Extreme Tourism
- Polar science
- Living with typhoons
- Why did the Azure Window collapse and how can we preserve coastal heritage?
- India - Pictures of the Past
- China - Snapshots in Time
- Kenya - A changing nation
- Antarctica - extreme wilderness
- Subject knowledge animation: Key Stage Two geography
- Using the Society's collections to develop cross curricular links
- Subject knowledge animation: Mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes
- Subject knowledge animation: Shackleton
- Hazardous holidays: earthquake in Kos
- Shoreline change and sea level rise in Ghana
- Changing urban places through poetry
- Sustainable urban communities and young people
- Diverse places and the high street
- Extreme weather in the UK: past, present and future
- Global cities, gentrification and creative practices
- Global Energy Security
- Meteorological forecasting
- Identity and citizenship
- Urban climatology
- Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD)
- Japanese earthquake and tsunami
- Jurassic Coast
- Climatic systems
- Suburbs
- Volcanoes and volcanology
- United Nations Millennium Development Goals
- The impact of London 2012
- Food globalisation
- Superpower geographies
- Microfinance
- Public Space
- Flooding
- Digital mapping
- Employment in Britain
- Glacial change
- China and North Korea
- British migration to rural France
- Coastal erosion
- Glaciation
- ICT and development
- The Making of Geographies of Manufacturing
- Production networks and trade
- Unconventional oil and gas
- Inequality
- Antarctic glaciers
- Environmental risk in the urban south
- The Quipu Project
- The Politics of Educated Unemployed Youth
- The water challenge
- Working as a London Surveyor
- Diaspora, Remittances and Development
- The commodity trail of cheap goods
- The Ethics of Fast Fashion
- The Antarctic Treaty
- Hampstead Heath Ponds Project
- The societal responses to El Niño
- Landslides and risks
- Comic books and alternative views of geopolitics
- Governance of the Oceans
- Communicating Climate Science
- Managing the Lake District National Park
- Environmental justice, food and communities
- Evaluating the Millennium Development Goals
- Food poverty and insecurity in the UK
- The impact of the Chinese overseas property market
- Inequality infographic
- Development infographic
- The Millennium Development Goals and the post-2015 agenda infographic
- The Sustainable Development Goals infographic
- Sustainable cities infographic
- Uganda: Have the Millennium Development Goals made a difference?
- What is globalisation?
- Subject Knowledge Animation: Sustainable Development Goals
- Rosedene raspberries and Tesco's fictitious farms
- Rural migration - Why do the British move to French idylls?
- Millennium Development Goals 5-8
- Millennium Development Goals 1-4
- Poland, pensions and global greying
- Employment and rural Britain
- Bicester: new garden city
- Beyond megacities
- A new capital in Andhra Pradesh
- A New Capital for Egypt?
- Urban air pollution: smog in Chinese cities
- Megacities, urbanisation and development
- Introducing globalisation
- Globalisation of manufacturing in post-war Britain
- Ecotourism: projecting the Heart of Borneo
- Discovering megacities
- Small island developing states and climate change vulnerability
- Teff: The next superfood?
- Sustainable energy access in Mozambique and South Africa
- Water Shortages in the Maldives
- Water conservation and behaviour in Australia
- Threatened heritage landscapes
- The Belo Monte Hydroelectric Dam complex in Brazil
- Nuclear power and energy security
- Fracking Blackpool
- Evaluating hydroponic farming in Japan
- 59 Dams: China's climate change challenges
- Sinkholes: a geophysical hazard
- Regime change
- Physical Geography and Facebook
- Glacial retreat: Historical evidence of climate change in Mongolia
- Ethiopian dam threatens Lake Turkana
- Coastal surges and flooding in the UK: a prompt for more sustainable drainage?
- Hong Kong - A city in Asia by the sea
- Coastal erosion: Britain's Atlantis and 1,000 years of cliff retreat
- United States of America (USA)
- Antarctic Glaciers: Pine Island
- The Mediterranean
- Exploring Shackleton’s Antarctica
- Global trade
- The geography of my stuff
- Local fieldwork toolkit
- London 2012
- Paradise lost
- Africa - a continent of contrasts
- Fantastic places
- Who wants to be a billionaire?
- Risky world
- Adventure landscapes
- Changing climates
- Glacial environments
- Are you flood ready?
- Mapping festivals
- Working with Nature: Building resilience to flood events in Pickering, Yorkshire
- Geography: The language of Europe
- Who do we think we are?
- London 2012 Olympic Park
- Jurassic Coast of Dorset and East Devon
- Lake District
- Russia's regions and roles
- Weather and Climate resources: Key Stage Five
- Our place in history
- Guidance and support in developing high quality primary geography
- New India
- China today
- Impossible places
- The human-induced hazard of Hungary
- The Deep Freeze: United States and the shifting ‘Polar vortex’
- Superstorm Sandy: a geographical perspective
- Responses to natural hazard risks in China
- Pluvial (rain-related) flooding in urban areas: the invisible hazard
- Nepal earthquakes, avalanches and landslides
- Human triggered avalanches in the Carpathian Mountains, Romania
- Hampstead Heath Ponds
- El Nino and Development in Peru
- Disaster in the Philippines: Typhoon Haiyan
- Consequences of Katrina
- Comparing avalanches in the Alps and Afghanistan
- Adaptation - the new life line for Bangladesh?
- The horsemeat scandal and other food geographies
- The geography of gold
- Measuring international corruption and its impacts
- Brazil animation
- Life transitions and care in sibling-headed households affected by AIDS in Tanzania and Uganda
- Inequality and its management
- Geography, power and the Olympics
- Factors influencing the success of pastoral farming in developing countries
- China and North Korea: regional economic cooperation
- What is ocean acidification
- Celebrating new appropriate technology
- Cars: The global business of Britain is back on track
- A new recipe for economic development
- An introduction to Superpower Geographies
- Resilience and vulnerability in climate change and farming with Oxfam
- How secure is the Doomsday Global Seed Vault?
- The two sides of ecotourism in Borneo
- Retreating rainforest
- Protecting vulnerable sites from tourism damage
- Inspirational places, changing places
- Jamaica bound? Marine resources and management at a crossroads in Antigua and Barbuda
- China's Great Green Wall
- Valuing Place: the RSA Heritage Index
- The Sustainable Development Goals: ambition or fantasy? - Linden Edgell
- Foresight report: Future of food and farming
- Animating public space: A case study in soft regeneration
- Disasters and development
- Development processes and pathways
- Subject Knowledge Animation: El Nino and Development
- ICTs: A technological fix?
- Theories of development
- The United Kingdom
- Mapping London
- Glaciation and geological timescales
- Coasts
- Natural resources
- Plate tectonics and earthquake prediction
- Global dust cycle
- Internal Migration
- India
- Brazil
- Fate, luck and fortune
- TEMPEST: extreme weather in the UK
- The geography of science
- HIV and AIDS
- White Island Eruption
- Migrants on the margins - Ask the Expert
- Climate 4 Classrooms
- Australian wildfires: Why live in fire prone areas and how do people cope?
- Australian wildfires: What is the Southern Annular Mode and Indian Ocean Dipole?
- The Coronavirus
- Natural justice - Professor Lorna Dawson
- The future of Venice
- Curated datasets
- Colouring London
- The Congo Wars: geography NOT in the news
- Somalia: the world’s most failed state? - James Fergusson
- Population and environmental change in Venice
- A Fact-Based World View
- Britain's ageing population
- Ocean acidification
- Overfishing
- A conversation with Tim Marshall
- South Sudan
- Resilience and Vulnerability in Development
- Nigeria: a newly emerging economy
- TeachMeet 19 May 2020 speaker presentations
- Urban gentrification
- South Korea is a success story for managing Covid19, is surveillance the answer?
- Weather, climate and COVID-19: the Royal Meteorological Society
- A Royal Meteorological Society update on weather, climate and COVID-19
- Hazards
- American Factory
- Do you know what the Countryside Survey is?
- Stay Home Stories podcast
- Charity Mhlanga on recognising excellence in geography education
- Australian wildfires
- Graffiti art during COVID-19: community representation
- Australia
- The beauty of Earth Observation in geography with Dr Fleur Visser
- Investigating superpowers: contemporary geopolitics
- The Arctic: Heatwaves and habitat destruction
- Using historical OS maps to identify at risk Public Rights of Way (PRoW)
- Discovering Antarctica
- The Forgotten Paths of the UK
- The RESIST Project: Coastal Salt Marshes
- From geography to journalism with BBC presenter Chris Mason
- Who is Polar Prem and what is the Seals from Space project?
- Choose Geography - careers resources
- 'I am a geographer' career profiles
- Geovisualisation resources
- The dark geocultural heritage of La Soufrière with Jazmin Scarlett
- Geoheritage, cultural heritage, and dark heritage
- A conversation with Francisca Rockey and Louis Smith Lassey from Black Geographers
- TeachMeet 3 November 2020 speaker presentations
- Synergies between Core Maths and geography: a discussion with MEI, a consultant and the Society
- A Search for Magic in the Landscape with Jini Reddy
- The MacKay Carbon Calculator
- Cyclone Nivar
- Geography at university – exploring modules on offer
- Evolving a Circular Plastics Economy
- Geography Directions
- Ideas for on-site school fieldwork
- West African empires
- Migrants on the margins
- The Sulawesi island earthquake 2021, Indonesia
- Shadowplay. War correspondent Tim Marshall and his book on the Yugoslav conflict of the 1990s
- US President Joe Biden and the Paris Climate Agreement
- Rewilding
- A celebration of the Jurassic Coast - Dr Anjana Khatwa
- Shanghai urban geography
- Dr Shreyashi Dasgupta and Dr Jess Hope explain the David W Smith Memorial Prize
- Mount Etna erupts
- 20 years, 95-miles, 185 million years: a celebration of the Jurassic Coast
- Dr Nick Westcott on the Tanganyika Groundnut Scheme
- Fukushima 10 years on
- Andrew Jack on FT for Schools and data visualisation
- Senior hydrologist Chris Skinner on the debates in geomorphology
- 2021: The year of the electric car
- Why cryptocurrency is so bad for the environment, Dr Pete Howson
- How 'not to build a capital' with Dr Pojani - Nusantara, Indonesia
- What is a country?
- Decolonising Frank Oates: a snapshot in time during the Victorian era of exploration
- Storm surges
- Is Tokyo too big?
- El Niño: Phenomenon of Opportunities
- Migrant Remittances and COVID-19 - Professor Kavita Datta and Dr Elaine Chase
- New Zealand floods
- Explaining the evolution of floods in time and space - Associate Professor Dr Louise Slater
- Geography apprenticeships
- Exploring Shackleton's Antarctica infographic
- Remote sensing and hazard risk management with Dr Ekbal Hussain
- Creating disaster: the Türkiye-Syria earthquakes Q&A activity sheet
- Wild Isles activity sheets
- Alistair Hamill and Iram Sammar on ArcGIS and decolonising the curriculum
- 'The Future of Food' poster
- Eurovision Song Contest 2023
- Valuing Nature
- Ask the geographer podcasts
- Choose Geography activities
- Dr Laurie Parsons on globalism and 'carbon colonialism'
- Geography teachers Simon Holland and Ellie Barker on winning the OS Award 2023
- Magnetic north continues to move across Britain
- Glacier recession, the carbon cycle and microbial release
- Careers with Geographical Information Systems
- What do geographers actually do?
- Everyday Drone Stories
- ONE - a global movement to end extreme poverty and preventable disease by 2030
- Why debt burdens are holding back the fight against poverty
- Everyday Drone Stories with Dr Anna Jackman and David Holmes
- Fraying Ties: what is the UK oil industry? Professor Bridge explains
- Carbon Colonialism: How Rich Countries Export Climate Breakdown
- The Priestley Centre's 'Ask a Climate Researcher' series
- Flight of The Osprey - a conversation with Sacha Dench aka the ‘human swan’
- Flight of the Osprey – an ArcGIS activity idea
- Migration, diasporas, and remittances during Covid-19
- Geopolitics and new perspectives on Arctic governance with Dr Ingrid Medby
- Arctic Governance and the Arctic Council
- Careers in planning and the built environment
- Saving our seas with Sally Earthrowl
- Saving our seas
- Maps of Ukraine with Dr Katie Parker
- Maps of Ukraine with Cartographic Collections Manager, Katie Parker
- A blueprint for the future
- Going Places with Geography poster
- UK in the Wider World
- Population Change in Britain Since C19th with Professor Alice Reid
- Population change in Britain since the 19th Century
- Beyond ‘Sinking Islands’: Resisting Climate Change in Tuvalu - Dr Liam Saddington
- 2024 - Hottest February on Record
- What are Natural Hazards?
- Sinking Cities
- Fraying Ties - The Changing Face of the UK Oil and Gas Industry
- Northern Lights
- Teachers Fiona Sheriff and Cyrus Golding on receiving the Ordnance Survey Award
- Seascapes with RHUL - Podcast
- Seascapes with RHUL
- Sustainable Tourism
- Tectonic Hazards
- Hurricane Season
- Discovering Minerals with Nadine Gabriel
- Discovering Minerals
- Volcanoes and earthquakes
- Connecting with our oceans with the Ocean Conservation Trust
- Ocean Conservation Trust (OCT)
- Festivals
- 5 Ways to learn the GAC
- Natural Hazards & Disaster Risk with Dr Martin Parham
- Natural hazards and disaster risk
- Coal Dependency
- US National Security
- Water Security
- Sport and its impacts
- Study Geography supplement 2024
- Choose Geography flyers for options evenings
- The changing city - alternative uses of urban space - Professor Oli Mould
- Sewage
- Flood Alert!
- I can See the Sea
- Tropical Storm Helene
- Wildfires
- Oil and Gas
- Chinese mines
- Glacial environments in a warming world - Professor Bethan Davies and Dr Guy Paxman
- Choose Geography scheme of work
- Storm Bert
- Made in India
- China Emissions
- Global South
- UK Net Migration
- Jewel Of Arabia with Mark Evans
- Are the COP summits working?
- Greenland
- California wildfires
- Voices from the Global South with the OU
- Voices from the Global South: Many contexts, one journey
- The power of maps - Professor James Cheshire
- Climate Change, a Russian Perspective - podcast
- Climate change: a Russian perspective
- Greek earthquake swarm
- US development in hazardous areas
- Geographical careers in food security activity
- Trade, sustainability and biodiversity in Oman
- Features, Sustainability and Biodiversity in Oman
- Teacher events
- School student events
- Careers and progression
- Fieldwork in schools
- Projects and partnerships
- Geography for all
- Competitions
- Curriculum and professional support
- Get into teaching
- Connect with us
- Example resource
- Research
- Professionals
- In the field
- Our Collections
- Events
- Upcoming events
- Map, chart, slide and artefacts evening
- Publishing your first journal article
- People and place fieldwork skills and opportunities in your local area
- A day trip to Lundy on the MS Oldenburg
- Using place to inspire story writing for KS2
- Using place to inspire story writing for KS1
- Going further with ArcGIS April
- Getting started with ArcGIS April
- Understanding Horsey’s past, present and future
- Going further with GIS - Manchester Metropolitan University
- Getting started with ArcGIS - Manchester Metropolitan University
- Pioneering pensioners: Mick Fowler and Victor Saunders
- The rise and rise of the French Riviera
- Chartered geographer introductory webinar - April
- Chartered Geographer introductory webinar - June
- Chartered Geographer introductory webinar - May
- Chartered Geographer introductory webinar - July
- Chartered Geographer introductory webinar - August
- Chartered Geographer application accelerator - October
- Chartered Geographer introductory webinar - December
- Chartered Geographer introductory webinar - November
- Chartered Geographer introductory webinar - October
- Chartered Geographer introductory webinar - September
- Chartered Geographer application accelerator - June
- Use geography: careers in sustainability
- Postgraduate forum mid-term conference 2025
- Monday night lecture supper - 31 March
- The Earth transformed: the meeting of geography, history and science - Dr Katie Parker in conversation with Professor Peter Frankopan
- The study of landscapes of extraction
- Expanding our understanding of racism and anti-racist politics
- South West's annual forum, lecture and dinner
- Choosing the right university and geography course - May
- Choosing the right university and geography course - March
- Geography in practice: digital twins for climate resilience
- Geography in practice: digital twins in the energy sector
- Geography in practice: digital twins in the transport sector #2
- Geography in practice: digital twins, what next…
- Geographical journeys: microlectures
- Silk Roads summer party: a celebration from East to West
- The making of the white working class: race, class and identity in contemporary Britain
- The geographies of resistance and re-existence
- A life in green: looking back, looking forward
- Reimaging our urban spaces as future green spaces
- I can see the sea - teacher walkthrough
- The past, present and future of LGBTQ spaces in Brighton
- Online TeachMeet: embedding careers education into the curriculum
- Wildly different: how five women reclaimed nature in a man’s world
- Earth Photo 2025 exhibition
- Siam through the lens of John Thomson
- Seneca and Franklin were right - Sir Kenneth Olisa
- Pristine seas: the last wild places in the ocean - Enric Sala
- Mulu: a remarkable rainforest mountain in Sarawak - Dr Paul Chai
- The Mappa Mundi project: changing the world by changing how we view it - Sandi Toksvig
- Informing action: Esmond B. Martin lecture
- Annual reception
- Medals and awards celebration
- Annual General Meeting
- Introducing the Climate Action Toolkit
- Climate justice and fieldwork: teaching the human geographies of climate change in Year 9
- Earth Photo 2025 awards evening
- Visit to Bucks Mills
- The geography of Irish linen
- New members' welcome tour - 12 May
- New members' welcome tour - 7 April
- Overnight adventures - Dan Richards
- Digimap for Schools: a quick guide to fieldwork
- Digimap for Schools for KS2 and KS3 geography
- NEA grade booster workshop for teachers
- Through Siam with a camera - John Thomson
- Geo-insights: professional networking
- Geo-insights: professional networking - May
- Skelsmergh and the River Sprint
- CGeog application accelerator for GGP
- Stories from the wild edges lecture
- Stories from the wild edges - 7 May
- Integrating maps and instruments in art
- The legacy of the Bakers in Victorian East Africa
- Festival of geography
- Student global leadership conference
- Monday night lecture supper - 14 April
- The Earth convention: energy and finance
- Monday night lecture supper - 12 May
- Monday night lecture supper - 28 April
- Hamlyn symposium on medical robotics
- The Earth convention: oceans and rivers
- London map fair
- The 70th anniversary of the first ascent of Kanchenjunga
- Polar tribute lecture to late Professor David Vaughan OBE FRGS
- Vipul Goyal: unleashed
- CityJS London 2025: London JavaScript conference
- Ancient rainforests and shifting climates: the Falkland Islands’ hidden past
- Stories from the wild edges - 1 July
- Using Rights of Nature to protect rainforest and paramo grassland ecosystems in Ecuador: a new paradigm for effective conservation
- Geology tour of the Devon coastline
- How British imperialism has shaped the globe - Sathnam Sanghera tour
- The secret history of neoliberalism - George Monbiot
- How to love better - Yung Pueblo
- 2025 Ashden awards
- Members private viewing: habitable climes
- Fungi: web of life live - Merlin Sheldrake
- The leaders and lunatics tour - John Simpson
- Digimap for Schools for KS2 and KS3 geography - September
- Planning and developing meaningful fieldwork - 15 September
- The Mulu (Sarawak) expedition 1977-1978
- The mysteries of the green mountain
- Mulu expedition reunion tea party
- 'Nyapun' by Robin Hanbury-Tenison
- West of England's lecture supper - 27 May
- Everest through the lens
- What do geographers actually do?
- Gunung Mulu National Park, Sarawak 60 million years in the making
- Teaching 'Latin American Geographies': book launch panel and workshop
- Is a river alive? - Robert Macfarlane
- Solo2Darwin: following in the footsteps of Amy Johnson
- Using Digimap for Schools for GIS
- Map skills and online mapping for primary geography
- Digimap for Schools: a quick guide to overlays
- Delivering fieldwork for the first time - 22 September
- An overview of ArcGIS for teachers
- EVC update workshop - 19 November
- Educational visits coordinator training (EVC) - 18 November
- EVC training visit leaders and managing critical incidents
- EVC update workshop - 7 October
- The Iranian embassy siege: the true story of the greatest SAS hostage drama
- Explore more #8: surviving homecoming
- Explore more #7: effectively sharing your story
- Explore more #6: emergency response planning
- Architecture as an Earth practice
- Storymaps: a workshop for postgraduate students (1)
- Exploring geographical careers in real estate with Knight Frank
- Expanding Universe by Hormazd Narielwalla tour and discussion
- Global GeoARTBlitz 2025
- World’s toughest row: an evening with Deep Blue crew to talk about their epic Trans-Atlantic row
- Choosing geography at university - in person workshop
- Choosing geography at university - webinar
- Protecting the planet: who holds the power?
- Embedding careers education into your teaching
- The future of UK agriculture: balancing food security and environmental stewardship
- Staycations and slow travel: rediscovering the UK’s hidden gems
- Postgraduate forum mid-term conference 2025 - online conference
- Lough Neagh an ecosystem in peril?
- Talks on demand
- Professional insights: why CPD is important for everyone
- Three Stripes South - Bex Band
- Medals and awards celebration 2022
- Medals and awards celebration 2020 and 2021
- Where is everyone? The importance and challenges of mapping human populations
- Be inspired: Unbound beauty: Venezuela in the Wiley Digital Archive - Dr Sherezade García Rangel
- Tourism and natural disasters
- Be inspired: Isabella Bird: Britain’s fearless Victorian adventurer, and her magic lantern slides
- Be inspired: Man of action and man of books: Shackleton as reader and writer - Dr Jan Piggott
- No place like home - Professor Joe Smith
- Professional insights: developing your professional CV
- How do we make global food systems more just?
- The travel photographer’s way - Nori Jemil
- What should travel look like in 2022?
- Respatialising finance: offshore renminbi market making in London - Professor Sarah Hall
- Slow Ways: Help create a national walking network - Dan Raven-Ellison
- Geographers in Government: an overview of the Government Geography Profession - Clare Hadley
- Be inspired: Dr Edward Wilson: Antarctic explorer and Scott’s confidant and friend - Isobel Williams
- Fires in informal tented settlements: an unseen humanitarian crisis - Steve Jordan and Mike Dayson
- Creative approaches to race and in/security in the Caribbean and the UK - Dr Patricia Noxolo
- Compound risk: dynamic exposure and vulnerability
- Land-use in the uplands: the case for change
- Black Victorians and multicultural London 1850-1950 - Dr Caroline Bressey
- Earth stories with Professor Bronwyn Hayward
- Strange natures: conservation in the era of synthetic biology - Professor Bill Adams
- The power of geography - Q&A with Tim Marshall
- Pedal for Parks
- Atlantification of the Arctic Ocean - Professor Tom Rippeth
- Flora of the Silk Road - Christopher Gardner
- The international year of caves and karst: explore, study and protect
- Housing, inequality and uncertainty: what’s next, where? - Professor Susan Smith
- Be Inspired: Herbert Ponting - Anne Strathie
- Antarctica's most extreme rescue mission. The logistics and challenges of a winter rescue
- An overview of the unprecedented 2021 Geldingadalir eruption, Iceland - Dr Oliver Lamb
- AONBs: how they address current environmental concerns - Simon Amstutz
- Minarets in the Mountains: a journey into Muslim Europe - Tharik Hussain
- A right to be lost: bias, anonymity, privacy
- Disaster risk reduction
- Take my word for it: communication, transparency and creating trust in communication
- Where’s the harm? Geospatial data ethics in practice
- Ten maps that reveal the future of global power and politics - Tim Marshall
- Disaster risk pooling - enabling mutual cross border resilience
- Communicating and understanding risk in dynamic situations
- Building, health, hope and happiness through the power of nature - Tom Brown
- Pollution and solutions: the plastic predicament from deck to desk - Sally Earthrowl
- People of the Sea - James Wharram and Hanneke Boon
- Be Inspired: Madrid: midnight city - Helen Crisp
- The Foghorn's Lament: panel discussion
- Antarctic photography from the ‘Heroic Age’ - Alasdair MacLeod
- Keeping it local
- Our hazardous Earth
- Health is made at home, hospitals are for repairs - Lord Nigel Crisp
- To weigh the Earth: lessons from east Greenland
- Back in the saddle: cycling the Iron Curtain
- There’s more to a Dragon than meets the eye: the Wales Coast Path
- Voices of the Maya: discovery and language in Belize
- Pushing the limits: life and death at the sharp end
- Our flat Earth: adventures of a digital detective
- Chernobyl: time travel to 1986
- Canoeing through Covid: citizen science on the Severn
- Wildlife tourism
- Be Inspired: Gotham rising - Jules Stewart
- Be Inspired: Unarticulated narratives of women on David Livingstone’s Expeditions - Kate Simpson
- Genealogy, geography and archives - Chandan Mahal
- The Midgard Viking Expedition: the search for intelligent life on Earth - Bjørn Heyerdahl
- Project UKFall: Retrieving meteorites and why it's important - Dr Luke Daly
- Earth Photo: in conversation with winning photographers
- Landscape of Towers - Clive Dunn
- Tackling 'shale fail': Reflections on public perceptions - Professor Patrick Devine-Wright
- Andean bears and people: coexistence through poverty reduction
- A time of ecological change in the Pacific Northwest - Dr Regan Early
- Where's the swamp gone, for peat's sake? - Professor Paul Aplin
- A celebration of the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Site - Dr Anjana Khatwa
- Antarctic Atlas: maps and graphics that tell the story of a continent - Dr Peter Fretwell
- What the traveller saw: the photographs of Eric Newby - Alasdair Macleod
- Are we wearing out the planet?
- Where physical and digital worlds collide - Paul Clarke CBE
- The map tour
- The age of geography
- River of life, river of death: the Ganges under threat
- A new Arctic in the making
- Post-conflict restoration of historic Mosul
- A tale of two rivers
- Responsible travel
- Explorer-humanitarians of the Amazon
- Citizen input into geography
- The city of tomorrow
- African realities
- Geography in action: the charities using geography to change lives on the ground
- Portraits of No Man’s Land
- Springwatch unwrapped
- A planet of three billion - Dr Christopher Tucker
- Life on the Mosquito Coast - Guillaume Bonn and Rozemin Keshvani
- A look at Singapore's longer history, c. 1300-1950 - Professor Peter Borschberg
- Behind the line: two weeks in North Korea - Sir Michael Palin
- Stop the plastic tide - Catherine Gemmell
- Where the animals go - James Cheshire
- Out of the woods - Luke Turner
- Entangled life
- Focus on travel videos
- Antarctica today
- Explore 2020: exploration for a better tomorrow
- The Living Mountain: panel discussion
- Swimming with giants! - Dr Isla Hodgson
- Living and working in Antarctica - Dr Kate Winter
- UV-B: an extinction kill mechanism - Professor John Marshall
- Scott's Antarctic Odyssey - Joanna Grochowicz
- George Mallory and the Everest expeditions of the 1920s - Eugene Rae
- Getting to net-zero: what can nature do? - Professor Gideon Henderson
- Revisiting rewilding - John Harold
- The argument for a wilder and more resilient planet - Kristine Tompkins
- Time to celebrate - Paul Rose
- Caol waters rising - Chris Speight
- Severe weather - Penny Tranter
- Wilding Westacre Estate - Fraser Bradbury
- Covid after lockdown - Dr Bharat Pankhania
- The Internet, Covid-19 and Brexit: the retail impact - Professor David McEvoy
- Annapurna 1970
- Geographical lates: climate talks
- Food security and sustainability in post-conflict Freetown - Professor Tony Binns
- The cities that made an empire - Tristram Hunt
- Midnight's grandchildren - John Keay
- Siberia: its history and its people - Professor Janet Hartley
- Walking the Nile - Levison Wood
- An evening with Sir Bob Geldof - Sir Bob Geldof
- Geography of our future
- Icons on ice – Rod Downie
- Stories from the Steppe – Karina Moreton
- Africa’s labels
- Reaching for the Poles: the South Pole - Eugene Rae
- Reaching for the Poles: the North Pole - Eugene Rae
- A tale of two seas - Professor Tom Rippeth
- Mountain pressure: Snowdonia's cultural landscape at a crossroads - John Harold
- Soil science: exciting and needed! - Dr Jenny Jones
- Antipodes on the page - Eugene Rae
- An evening with Paul Rose
- Mapping escapes in World War II - Dr Barbara Bond
- Drowning in plastic - Liz Bonnin
- The invention of nature
- Sunflowers for soldiers: one girl, two dogs and 616 sunflower seeds – Janey McGill
- Kayaking the Kwanza: source to sea along Angola’s longest river – Oscar Scafidi
- My life in Outer Mongolia: step by Steppe – Stephanie Hadik
- Running Malawi: a journey through the ‘warm heart of Africa’ – Brendan Rendall
- Heavy pack and heartfelt footsteps: rediscovering Southeast Asia – Ellie Mackay
- Vanuatu: in search of female chiefs – Sophie Hollingsworth
- The women's Euro-Arabian North Pole expedition - Felicity Aston
- Around the world on nothing but optimism - Becca Marsh, Maximillian White and Joel Chevallier
- Last stop in the remote Pacific - Liv Grant
- Project Armenia: climbing above the clouds - Peter Rosso
- Buried treasure: unearthing an archipelago's lost ecosystem - Alvaro Castilla-Beltrán
- Rhythm revolution: exploring Iran through its rich musical heritage - Ruairi Glasheen
- A hard day's light: racing the sun across Hadrian's Wall - Jamie Rutherford
- In search of a 'lost' house in Bangladesh - Shreyashi Dasgupta
- Ice shelves: Antarctica's fragile frontier - Professor David Vaughan and Professor Adrian Luckman
- A journey to the end of time - John Harrison
- Deeper than indigo - Dr Jenny Balfour-Paul
- Islander – a journey around our archipelago - Patrick Barkham
- Geographic information and sustainability - Professor Andy Tatem
- John Thomson: pioneer of travel photography - Deborah Ireland
- African Twilight - Carol Beckwith and Angela Fisher
- Creating a 'master map' of the UK: a route to a better future?
- The immeasurable world: journeys in desert places
- Migrants on the margins – Professor Michael Collyer and Professor Laura Hammond
- Elephant complex: travels in Sri Lanka - John Gimlette
- Recovering wild tigers in a crowded Asia - Dr Ullas Karanth
- The Sustainable Development Goals: ambition or fantasy? – Linden Edgell
- Climate change challenges: lessons from Bangladesh
- Changing lives? - Nick Danziger
- Fighting wildlife crime with the world's first female anti-poaching unit
- The spirit of the Colombian Pacific
- Chasing fire
- Paddleboarding around Langkawi to find Crusoe
- From a mouthful to a movement: my refugee kitchen
- Micro-plastics, micro-scientists and micro-adventures - Taylor Butler-Eldridge
- Desert dancing: witnessing change in Bedouin culture
- We chose to speak of war and strife - John Simpson
- Human Cognition: developments in navigation
- Chile revisited
- The fight for beauty - Dame Fiona Reynolds
- Spaces of Internationalism - Professor Mike Heffernan
- The painted towns of Rajasthan - David Zurick
- Disruptive geographers: big data and flood risk modelling - Professor Paul Bates
- Fear and fishing in West Papua – Will Millard
- Circling the midnight sun - James Raffan
- London to London: via the world - Sarah Outen MBE
- The Marches - Rory Stewart
- The space-enabled planet - Stuart Martin
- Slavery in the 21st century - Professor Kevin Bales
- London's air quality - Professor Frank Kelly
- The journeys of young Lawrence: from Oxford to Arabia – Anthony Sattin
- Affluence without abundance: the disappearing world of the Bushmen - James Suzman
- The UK's missing people - Professor Hester Parr
- Seeking Solitude, Finding Solidarity: on foot through the Caucasus – Val Ismaili
- The Ger in the City: exploring migration in Mongolia – Hattie Field
- Running Scotland’s Watershed, a ribbon of wildness – Elspeth Luke
- The Wildest Journey: walking the Zambezi – Chaz Powell
- Himalayan Popup Picturehouse: the highest cinema in the world – Emma de Heveningham
- The Long Way Up: Mexico to Canada on the Pacific Crest Trail – Charlie Knight
- Made in Britain?
- Energy for development
- Climate Change
- Life off the ladder
- Integrated Britain?
- The book smugglers of Timbuktu – Charlie English
- The land beyond: on foot through the Holy Land – Leon McCarron
- Geography in a changing world – Dr Rita Gardner
- North Korea: Common myths explained – Dr Markus Bell
- 700 million and counting: the urbanisation of China - Professor Chris Hamnett
- 17 years in the polar regions - Ben Saunders
- Sea turtles and hurricanes - Julia Ganis
- Footsteps beyond the pond - Daniel Evans
- Life in the plug: a journey through the forests of Panama - John Fuller
- And then there were three: tandem touring with an infant in Arctic Norway - Anne Pinney
- Rwanda 20 years on: a week to remember - Fergus Oleary Simpson
- A Persian pursuit - Shirin Shabestari
- The Discovery of HMS Erebus - Ryan Harris
- The Oceans Seven challenge - Adam Walker
- Somalia: the world's most failed state? - James Fergusson
- Iceland's iconic volcanoes - Alexandra Witze
- New technologies, old traditions: stories from Society grant recipients - Mark Allan and Peter Geogh
- The crossing of Antarctica - Dr Huw Lewis-Jones
- Greater London: the story of the suburbs - Dr Nick Barratt
- The shepherd’s life - James Rebanks
- The last Eden: biodiversity and conservation in Bolivia, Guyana and Honduras - Dr Niall McCann
- Alone in the jungle - Antonia Bolingbroke-Kent
- Naturalists in paradise - Dr John Hemming
- Poor cities: migration hotspots - Dr Michael Collyer
- Standing up for river science: paddle boarding the Thames
- Altiplano: exploring water in the Andes
- Greenland to Canada: The Haig-Thomas Expedition 2015
- Puntland: to the lighthouse on the tip of the Horn of Africa
- Cheese pies and grandmothers: adventures in Georgia
- Driving around the world for microfinance
- Walking India: the Bay of Bengal to the Arabian Sea
- Tea’s last guardians: the Himalayan muleteers
- Endangered archaeology in the Middle East and North Africa
- Geography and diplomacy
- One man's Everest
- The Nepal earthquake: a warning for the future?
- An atlas of countries that don’t exist
- The path from Paris: the new global politics of climate change
- The past and future footprint of Britain on the world
- How to read water
- Blue wilderness: conservation in the UK's Overseas Territories
- Coxless Crew: a Pacific Ocean row
- Spirals in time
- What is happening to our weather? - Dr Peter Stott
- Overland journeys - Levison Wood
- Protecting giant manta rays in Peru – Kerstin Forsberg
- Post truth? – Evan Davis
- Brexit: causes and consequences - Professor Matthew Goodwin
- TAWAI: Voices from the forest - Bruce Parry
- The Society's amazing film archive - Alasdair MacLeod and Professor Andrew Goudie
- High street regeneration: place-making and changing spaces - Dr Steve Millington
- A new hope for nature: COP15 and the decade on restoration - Claire Wansbury
- Can disused mines heat our future? - Dr Charlotte Adams
- Climate change through the lens
- The Pitcairn Islands - Simeon Archer-Rand and Emily Hardman
- Professional insights: mentoring in your career
- From Kenya to the Arctic, our changing world - Dr Samuel Derbyshire and Dr Isla Myers-Smith
- Into Iraq - Sir Michael Palin
- Professional insights: developing your professional online profile
- Walks and adventures in wild and abandoned islands of the South Aegean
- Professional insights: enhancing your professional networks
- Antarctic pioneer: the trailblazing life of Jackie Ronne - Dr Joanna Kafarowski
- China’s present day geopolitical problems - Bill Hayton
- Everest on film: scientific endeavour meets media culture
- Picking polar people: exploring explorer recruitment through the RGS archives - Alice Oates
- What is there left to explore?
- Recording the first Everest expeditions
- Picturing place: reflections on a photograph collection from British Columbia
- It’s not about the view - Tori James
- Snow widows: Captain Scott's Antarctic expedition through the eyes of the women they left behind
- The UK water industry response to climate change
- Conflict and cameras: storytelling from Crimea to Sinjar
- Disasters and global change: how do we respond?
- Professional insights: geovisualisation
- The hidden universe: biodiversity - Professor Alexandre Antonelli
- Indigenous and scientific knowledge on the Jackson-Harmsworth Expedition - Dr Ed Armston-Sheret
- Photographs, drawings, texts: portrayals of the Mediterranean - Dr María Sebastián Sebastián
- Limits to rewilding?
- The noble art of walking - Nick Fielding
- Celebrating England’s national nature reserves: their past, present and future - Dagmar Junghanns
- Journey to Everest - Simon Dell
- Resisting repressive regimes - Shahidul Alam
- Tales from a ship doctor: letting go and mucking in on the white continent
- Stories for my younger self: a 3,000km cycle journey around the UK
- Rolling with the rock stars of wildlife conservation
- Finding Freya's assassins: a journey through remote northern Iran
- Helvellyn: chronic illness in the mountains
- Expedition east Greenland: a sea kayaking journey through iceberg and polar bear territory
- Stop what you are doing and cycle around the world
- Earth Photo: meet the winners
- Mapping Rapa Nui: the hidden histories of exploration - Dr Sarah L. Evans
- Is travel worth the carbon emissions?
- Energy and development panel discussion
- Atlas of geographical anomalies - Vitali Vitaliev
- My family and other enemies - Mary Novakovich
- The United Nations and global geospatial information - James Norris
- The Paris agenda - why COPs matter: global goals, international rulebook, national action
- Earth Photo 2023 awards ceremony and panel discussion
- The future of geography - Tim Marshall
- The art and science of geovisualisation for disaster risk management
- Disaster risk in the humanitarian sphere: what about information management and mapping?
- The campaign to protect rural England in Oxfordshire - Professor Richard Harding
- Soils in North West Syria: unseen casualty of war - Dr Jonathan Bridge
- Psychogeography, imaginative spaces and English seaside towns - Dr Tom Sykes and Dr Louis Netter
- Careers aren’t always linear: conversations on career paths
- Professional insights: developing your professional development plan
- Objects from the ends of the Earth - Charlotte Connelly
- Travels with my tripod - David Constantine MBE
- Ranulph Fiennes: man and myth - Matthew Dyas and Sir Ranulph Fiennes
- 'Lost’ in Papua New Guinea - Benedict Allen
- Polar bear: how the movie was made - Alastair Fothergill and Jeff Wilson
- Navigating our way towards a plastic-free ocean with Emily Penn
- Life lessons from the Amazon - Pip Stewart
- Cycling 3,427 miles around pandemic Britain - Simon Parker
- MOVE: How mass migration will reshape the world and what it means for you - Parag Khanna
- What's philosophy got to do with it? - Professor Carmody Grey
- Life changing - Dr Helen Pilcher
- Lava lore: chasing volcanoes - Clive Oppenheimer
- The social instinct - Professor Nichola Raihani
- This city girl has gone rural: time on the farm
- Working in a world of wildlife
- From tiny acorns: tales from the South West Coast Path
- Not quite yeti
- On the Silk Roads: in search of tradition on the Roof of the World
- Walking in the footsteps of our ancestors
- The river, its people, and God that was scary
- Dunes, diamonds and dust: a potted history of the Namib Sand Sea - Dr Abi Stone
- Be Inspired: The relief models of Sir L. Dudley Stamp - George Tobin
- Be inspired: animals in the Royal Geographical Society’s archives - Dr Catherine Oliver
- Warrior with a camera: Frank Hurley’s Endurance photography - Alasdair MacLeod
- Airmindedness redux: growing tourism and worldliness through aeromobility in Africa
- An absolute beginner's guide to disaster risk management for geographers
- What happens to our waste?
- Footprints - Professor David Farrier
- Nellie Bly’s record-breaking race around the world - Rosemary J Brown
- Fighting Julius Caesar: archaeology, science and history - Professor Andrew Fitzpatrick
- The challenges of managing a 21st century World Heritage Site - Jane Gibson
- Estimates and instruments: the case for comparative maritime history - Dr Margaret Schotte
- Making space for nature - Brian Bleese
- Can veganism help save the planet? - Dr Richard White
- The Amur River: between Russia and China - Colin Thubron
- Directing economic growth: a mission-oriented approach - Mariana Mazzucato
- Lucy Atkinson: one of the greats in the pantheon of travellers - Nick Fielding
- London: Too big to succeed?
- The Spanish and Mexican origins of Texas cattle ranching - Professor William Doolittle
- Latitude - Nicholas Crane
- Pedal 4 Parks: 14 days over sea and land
- The art and science of wayfinding - Michael Bond
- Working with the world: the British Museum in the 21st century - Dr Hartwig Fischer
- The Sami People and natural history of Lapland
- COVID-19 pandemic: what have we learnt from a risk management perspective?
- How do I connect to a place and its people?
- Are countries meeting their Paris agreement targets?
- True stories drawn from life: turning real life stories into comics and animations
- I belong here: a journey along the backbone of Britain - Anita Sethi
- How do we talk about migration?
- Where to take your career in disaster risk management
- Sitopia: reshaping our lives through food - Carolyn Steel
- Rebuilding the post-conflict nation through dance - Dr Amanda Rogers
- Around the world in 80 trains, a 45,000-mile adventure - Monisha Rajesh
- A tale of ten maps - Dr Mike Smith
- The Arab conquests - Justin Marozzi
- Harvesting water in dryland areas: Transferring technologies between Rajasthan and the Maasai of Kaj
- Earth stories with Roger Harrabin
- COP26: Deciding the future of civilization - Paul Brown
- Rewilding the wild: lessons from Australia - Lizzy Crotty
- The Polar Adventures of a Rich American Dame - Joanna Kafarowski
- Can a small charity make a big difference? - Lynda Evans
- Positive tipping points to avoid climate tipping points - Professor Tim Lenton
- Building a planet-happy clothing system - Patrick Grant
- Feminist theory and Geographical Information Systems - Anwen Davis
- English travellers to Venice, 1450-1600 - Professor Michael G. Brennan
- Louise Adventure: around-the-world sailing odyssey - Grant Gordon
- Earth stories with Professor Amanda Vincent
- John Forrest: the British Empire and the ‘Empty Spaces’ of the World - Professor Robert Fletcher
- Beyond the agenda of COP26: The problem of international transport emissions - Professor John Vogler
- Global threat to local action: Responding to the climate crisis - Andy Lester
- Carbon capture, use, storage and its role in delivering Net Zero - Dr Helen Atkinson
- Powering our future
- Flooding, climate change and the resilience of cities - Alex Nickson
- How is Antarctica changing and why should we care? - Professor Martin Siegert
- What fate for Antarctica? - Dr Tamsin Edwards
- Indigenous approaches to climate change: traditional knowledge and modern solutions - Kiliii Yüyan
- Burning to protect the climate - Professor Jay Mistry
- Climate change and you
- Geopolitics of climate change
- Tackling the climate and housing crises through community-led living - Professor Paul Chatterton
- Is the Paris climate agreement still viable?
- The handshake: a gripping history - Ella Al-Shamahi
- Water security: ways to address an emerging global crisis - Dr Jessica Budds
- Uncharted: a Black woman’s journey through the discipline of geography - Professor Patricia Daley
- West with the Light, my life in nature - Brian Jackman
- Island of the Fairy Tern - Andy Lester
- Talking Timbuktu: on reaching the legendary city of gold - Alice Hunter Morrison
- What can I do?
- COVID-19, transport and green recovery? - Dr Llinos Brown
- Zero carbon Sheffield: the challenge of 2030 - John Grant
- Penguins, albatross and whales: Natural history of South Atlantic - Carl Chapman
- Land of the emerald forests - Andy Lester
- Around the world in 80 plants - Professor Jonathan Drori
- Beyond the narco frontier: rethinking an imaginary of the margins - Professor Jonathan Goodhand
- Port of Tyne: Challenges ahead in a changing world - Simon Brett
- First Descent
- Be Inspired: The Cape of Flowers: a forgotten corner of the Portuguese Empire - Cliff Pereira
- Supporting testing and vaccinating Liverpool’s communities during COVID-19 - Dr Mark Green
- Be Inspired: Sir Clements Markham President of the RGS: success or failure? - Isobel Williams
- The high street reimagined - Rebecca Trevalyan
- Can elephants and people safely coexist - Susie Offord-Woolley
- The roaring 20s?
- Life beneath the ice - Dr Huw Griffiths
- Magdalena: river of dreams - Professor Wade Davis
- The Nightingale: Sam Lee in conversation with Patrick Barkham
- Be Inspired: Shackleton’s ghost writer: are authorship standards always important? - Art Gertel
- The Perimeter: a photographic circumnavigation of Britain - Quintin Lake
- Around the world with Nellie Bly - Rosemary Brown
- The girl who ran across Africa - Emma Timmis
- Where the world is heading and how we can stop making things worse - Professor Joanna Haigh
- The state of nature – and why should we even care? - Dr Mark Wright
- Colonial collections in decolonial times - Professor Paul Basu
- Be Inspired: Travellers in the Great Steppe: uncovering a hidden history - Nick Fielding
- Be Inspired: Kalli on the ship - Peter Martin
- Be Inspired: Woman with the iceberg eyes - Katherine Macinnes
- Be Inspired: Always ready for an expedition - Natalie Cox
- Deep water: the story of a flood - Professor Hannah Cloke
- Wilding: the return of the British farm - Isabella Tree
- How the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory is slaying the misinformation dragon - Dr Michael Poland
- Communities, conservation and sustainable travel in Africa - Sue Watt
- Economic and social impacts of COVID-19
- Journey of the mask - Chris Rainier
- Dragon’s blood and desert roses: The island of Socotra - Hilary Bradt and Janice Booth
- Simulation and 3D mapping: a point of convergence - Christopher Budas
- Inclusive excellence - Professor Wendy Larner
- The Broads: landscape and history - Tom Williamson
- Students on Ice - Emma Denton
- Into the abode of death - crossing of the Empty Quarter of Arabia - Mark Evans
- Two Frogs - Andy Dickson
- The road to independence - Olie Hunter-Smart
- Building relationships to ensure humanitarian delivery of aid - Henry Chamberlain
- Beyond the Pole: The British Trans-Arctic Expedition
- The geography behind digital world-building
- Food security: a global challenge
- Ascending Afghanistan
- Kings of the Yukon
- The discovery of Antarctica and Antarctica today
- The Crossing: a photographic meditation on the Atlantic Ocean
- From city to sea: microplastics in UK rivers
- Travel writing evening
- Stop talking about migration and start discussing inequality - Professor Heaven Crawley
- The future of food
- The Polar Ocean Challenge - Sir David Hempleman-Adams
- The lines, which are so very fine - Dr Katy Barrett
- What makes a 'successful rural community'? - David Jackman
- Spectre expedition Q&A - Leo Houlding and Sir Chris Bonington
- If at first you don’t succeed… Chris Speight
- Thin ice - Tim Jarvis
- Slow Ways: fast forward for citizen-geographers - Dan Raven-Ellison
- COVID-19 and the geography of disease dynamics - Professor Andy Tatem
- Sense of here - Rob and Harriet Fraser
- Rural development paths and development assistance - Professor Nina Laurie & Professor Jonathan Rigg
- Maritime woodland: the invisible habitat - Simon Leatherdale
- Sahara expedition - Alice Morrison
- The end of the pier show: what next for the British seaside pier? - Dr Anya Chapman
- Being the first woman - Jacki Hill-Murphy
- Hilltops and Highlands: exploring the Naga Tribal Territories and Holy Lalibela
- Zero degrees: the geographies of the prime meridian - Professor Charles Withers
- Mahaweli Challenge: Sri Lanka's longest river on foot and by kayak - Ian Packham
- Aurora: in search of the northern lights
- Oceans of plastic
- Heat island, Britain's landscapes from the Ice Age to the Shard
- Fairness between the generations
- Population change: one of the great global challenges
- Investigating Nellie Bly: reflections on journalism and the power of curiosity - Martine Croxall
- What is customer loyalty worth? My career in data science - Edwina Dunn
- The golden age of expeditionary films - Professor Ian Christie
- By Endurance we conquer: applying Shackleton's leadership lessons to the climate crisis - Tim Jarvis
- Living with wildlife - Dr Krithi Karanth
- Going to extremes: climbing Mount Everest to measure the weather - Dr Tom Matthews
- Ottoman Muslim Europe: 100 years on - Tharik Hussain
- Frozen Planet II: filming in a changing world
- 39 ways to save the planet - Tom Heap and Dr Tamsin Edwards
- Wales and the wellbeing world - Sophie Howe
- Race for the future – James Levelle
- Global energy dilemmas revisited: energy security and sustainability in a new world - Mike Bradshaw
- Antarctica: a history in 100 objects - Dr Jean de Pomereu
- Secrets of...the architecture the railways built - Tim Dunn
- Tropical forests and planet Earth: a macroscope view - Professor Yadvinder Malhi
- David Attenborough’s Wild Isles: behind the scenes - Alastair Fothergill OBE
- Nuclear dreams: Fukushima and Japan’s lost futures - Dr Makoto Takahashi
- Creating disaster: analysing the Türkiye-Syria earthquakes - Professor Ilan Kelman
- Migration, food insecurity and the COVID-19 pandemic - Professor Kavita Datta
- Informing action: Esmond Bradley Martin’s legacy in tackling the illegal wildlife trade
- How to read a tree - Tristan Gooley
- The Great Barrier Reef expedition 1928-1929: birth of modern coral reef science
- Sanitation for all? Cities and the right to citylife - Professor Colin McFarlane
- Medals and awards celebration 2023
- Professional insights: Time to move roles?
- Instruments of exploration?: British steamships on the Niger, Euphrates, and Indus Rivers, 1832-1838
- Rivers over rock: potholes and their significance for natural and cultural heritage - Stephen Tooth and Hywel Griffiths
- Heart of Arabia: 1,300km journey across Arabia in the footsteps of explorer Harry St John Philby - Reem Philby and Mark Evans MBE
- Encountering the indigenous body in the Himalayan borderlands (1)
- The gray whale cycle: following the eastern Pacific migration
- From Kabul to Colorado
- Expedition to the Galápagos: plastic pollution in the mangroves
- How to cross India by tandem but die from something else
- Connecting with nature: lessons from childhood to lockdown
- Unexpected pilgrim
- Touring Britain in the 1950s: the adventures of postcolonial Indian travellers - Professor Uma Kothari
- Brunel, Roosevelt and Amundsen: a comparison of three epic geographical achievers - Brad Borkan
- Race and the League of Nations - Dr Jake Hodder
- World-friendly travel: what does it mean to travel sustainably in 2023?
- Home fronts of climate change - Professor Rob Wilby
- Wildlife, media, and business: the quest to save our planet - Patrick Aryee
- A wild future: how do we secure genuinely exciting wilderness expeditions for young people - Honor Wilson-Fletcher MBE
- Protecting marine ecosystems
- Labour in the lofty peaks: porters in the Everest expeditions (1921-1938) - Nokmedemla Lemtur
- The United Nations High Seas Treaty - Dr Simon Walmsley
- Navigating the Great Spine of Africa - Dr Rutledge Stephen Boyes
- Explore 2023: Saturday
- Explore 2023: Sunday
- Children’s lecture by Lucy Shepherd
- Wounded Tigris: a river journey through the cradle of civilisation - Leon McCarron (3)
- SILA: exploring Inuit culture and sustainability
- Saving heritage in conflict zones; what can geographers do?
- Are countries meeting their climate promises?
- Facing the difficult truths of the climate emergency: apocalyptic disaster or transformational moment in history? - Dr Caroline Hickman
- Our fragile relationship with life on Earth
- Children's lecture: if the world were 100 people
- Tipping points in lakes - Professor Pete Langdon
- Mundo Perdido expedition, Belize and Guatemala
- Following Nan Shepherd
- Imperial College Medical Students to Morocco
- Il Ngwesi Reconnaissance expedition
- Newcastle University expedition to Svalbard 2022
- Walking the Vjosa Expedition
- High risk: climbing to extinction
- On a precipice: saving wildlife in India
- The environmental future of Iran: the urgent need for democracy
- The future of immersive storytelling
- Wisdom sits in places
- Full circle? From extraction to geology as an environmental solution
- Breaking boundaries
- Jihadi exploitation of the Arabic poetic tradition - Dr Elisabeth Kendall
- Might AI unleash Earth’s secrets?
- The future of UK oil
- Nine Quarters of Jerusalem
- Adventure in the Andes: the Life Cycle biodiversity bike ride
- Tales from my latest travels
- A magic lantern mystery tour
- Behind Everest: Ruth Mallory’s story
- The amazing power of very small teams: from the Polar regions to the Moon and everything in between
- Poverty in Britain
- How does sustainable travel impact economic development?
- Geographical journeys: microlectures (1)
- Reverend Bray's bardic boulders: sermons in stone
- The Continental Shelf Seas: heatwaves, blue carbon and renewable energy
- Geography in practice: assessing river condition for biodiversity net gain and enhanced biogeomorphic form and function
- Geography in practice: the future for rural mobility
- London to Barcelona: because he still can
- Full circle: from the Prince to the Pyrenees and back
- Swimming through my fear of water
- What the Cambrian Way taught me
- Wild journeys in Zimbabwe: healing the wilderness within
- Hiking through history: discovering Lycia with Lola
- Lewis canoe odyssey: adventure, friendship and breaking expectations
- What’s in store for UK climate policy in the next five years?
- The triple planetary crisis: perspectives from fieldwork in the Arctic
- How climate change might trigger earthquakes and volcanoes
- Informing action: Esmond B. Martin lecture
- Geography in practice: the ethnic group deprivation index for England and Wales
- Navigating water challenges in Europe
- Is a single map enough exploration for an entire lifetime?
- Ground truths: exploring the essentials of land referencing
- Climate change: will business save the planet, and how will that happen?
- Underworld: a descent through poetry
- Planet Hope podcast live, brought to you by The Times and Rolex
- Sewage pollution: our problem, our solution
- Traditional remedies: herbalism and magic in 19th century Myanmar
- Fallen: an archival exhumation
- Predicting volcanoes
- Everest24 anniversary lecture
- Precision in place-names: the problem of orthography at the Society
- Applying the lessons from international disaster response to domestic major incidents
- Beavers in Dorset: Dorset Wildlife Trust's Beaver Project
- Geography in practice: biodiversity net gain, a new approach to an old problem
- Geography in practice: analysing the Ethnic Group Deprivation Index
- The resilience of Canada’s First Nation communities to climate change
- Medals and awards celebration 2024
- Using the Ethnic Group Deprivation Index (EGDI) to inform decision making
- Earth Photo 2024 awards ceremony
- Voices from the Global South
- Climate change and the three Poles: using art to communicate crisis and opportunity
- How to move a rhino: the impacts of tourism on conservation in Africa
- Locally-led humanitarian planning and response … is this the end of international deployments?
- Multiscale landslide research at the British Geological Survey
- The future coast: managed realignment
- Geography in practice: trajectories of neighbourhood deprivation in England
- The Hayes expedition to the Arctic 1860-61
- The growth of GIS: a personal journey
- Democratising how we make decisions about land
- Vindicating Cherry
- Mapping the world’s rivers, estuaries and deltas: processes, landforms, stressors and developing solutions
- Pathfinding for the fleet: front-line hydrography 1793-1823
- Blue machine: how the ocean shapes our world
- Geographical journeys: microlectures (2)
- Health and household transitions among older people: trends over time and differences between England, Wales and Scotland
- The science of the Transglobe Expedition
- Tribute evening to Ran and Ginny Fiennes and the Transglobe Expedition
- I went outside: navigating mental health and wellbeing on the Cornish Celtic Way
- 10,000 feet up: building new models of cultural heritage management in the Andes
- Into Liguria on horseback...“in bocca al lupo!"
- Expat in London: a lived experience of migration and homelessness
- Thru-hiking the Israel National Trail
- Reroute: solo bikepacking to explore Scotland’s ‘rewilding’
- Qajaq from Qaqortoq to Qaanaq
- Pando: the World's largest tree
- Exploring the explorers’ maps
- Why we travel: a journey into human motivation
- Art of exploration gathering
- Welcome home: postcards from the field
- Explore 2024: the expedition and fieldwork symposium
- Hamilton Rice’s Amazon
- Observations from African climate change hotspots
- Tracks on the ocean: a history of trailblazing, maps and maritime travel
- Using hydrometric sites and digital tools to manage England’s water resources
- Observations from African climate change hotspots (hidden)
- It shouldn't happen to a conservationist
- Geography and the history of Southampton
- Can geographers save the world?
- Machu Picchu: changes and challenges
- Mapping underground Infrastructure through the National Underground Asset Register (NUAR)
- The art of globemaking: inside the hidden world of an ancient craft
- Impact of tourism on the Canadian Arctic
- A short history of flowers
- Is ecology contributing to environmental destruction? - Matthew Stadlen in conversation with Guillaume Bonn
- Mapping the manuscript archives - Loraine Rutt
- Our changing climate: why does 1°C matter? - Professor Ed Hawkins
- On the backs of others: rethinking the history of British geographical exploration - Dr Ed Armston-Sheret
- Exploring the relationship between environment and people
- COP 29: what just happened? An expert panel discussion
- Using GIS to survey habitats and measure improvements for Biodiversity Net Gain
- The future of geography: how power and politics in space will change our world
- How we all became navigators
- Haenyeo voices: merging tradition and science to monitor reef changes
- Eileen Hendriks: geology in Devon and Cornwall
- Magmatic memories: Eldfell 1973
- A history of polar exploration in 50 objects - Anne Strathie
- Decarbonising transport: considering people and place
- A nation of map addicts - Mike Parker
- Land smart - Tom Heap
- Geography in practice: the foundations of a digital twin
- Geography in practice: learning from nature - supporting NFM design while enhancing river form and function
- Unravelling the past from hidden volcanic ash - Professor Siwan Davies
- Jan Morris on Everest
- Fight for flight
- Melting ice and changing winds
- Korean carnivore project
- Barren lands expedition
- Health hazards of volcanic gases
- East Greenland 2024: Valkyrie expedition
- Warmth from below: where ice and ocean meet
- Geography in practice: digital twins for urban planning
- Ancient rainforests and shifting climates: the Falkland Islands’ hidden past
- Women at altitude
- Geography in practice: digital twins in the transport sector #1
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