Routes into teaching
The numbers of pupils studying geography at GCSE and A Level is at its highest for many years. As a result, there is even more demand from schools for newly qualified and passionate geography teachers.
If you are interested in becoming a teacher, we encourage you to register with Get Into Teaching, which offers advice and support, and outlines the different routes and funding that are available. Prior to starting teacher training, you should also gain some experience of working with young people in a school setting, such as volunteering with a local school.
The Society’s online resources, training and support for fieldwork will also complement your teacher training and your subsequent teaching career, regardless of the route you choose.
Post graduate teacher training routes in England provide trainees with a £26,000 bursary (for September 2025 intake)
Teacher training routes are either led by a university or school:
- University led routes: Universities and colleges offer teacher training courses for both graduates and undergraduates.
- School led routes: There are school-led training options for graduates.
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University led routes
Post graduate teacher training
- Fee-funded. £9,535 per year for a full-time programme. £26,000 bursary available for Sept 2025 intake. Loans also available.
- Duration: 9 months (full-time), 18 to 24 months (part-time)
- Qualification awarded: PGCE with QTS
- Requirements: Undergraduate degree, GCSE grade C/4 or above in maths and English, Grade C/4 or above in science (primary only)
- Application process: UCAS Undergraduate (Wales and Scotland) and Find teacher training courses in England.
- Application deadline: 6pm 16 September 2025 (England), 29 January 2025 (Wales and Scotland)
- Find out more
Undergraduate teacher training
- Fee-funded. £9,535 per year. Loans, bursaries and scholarships available
- Duration: Up to 4 years
- Qualification awarded: Bachelor’s degree (BA, BEd, BSc) and QTS
- Requirements: GCSE grade C/4 or above in maths and English, Grade C/4 or above in science (primary only), A Levels
- Application process:
- Application deadline: 29 January 2025
- Find out more
Schools led training
School Centered Initial Teacher Training (SCITT)
- Fee-funded. Loans, bursaries and scholarships available
- Duration: 1-year
- Qualification awarded: QTS, PGCE (in most cases)
- Requirements: Undergraduate degree of 2:2 or above, GCSE grade C/4 or above in maths and English, Grade C/4 or above in science (primary only)
- Application process: Apply through individual SCITT providers which can be found at
- Application deadline: Varies depending on SCITT provider
Teach First School Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT) programme
- Fee-funded. £9535 per year. Scholarship and bursary up to £31,000 available
- Duration 1 year (Sept – July)
- Qualification achieved: PGCE with QTS
- Requirements: Undergraduate degree, GCSE grade C/4 or above in maths and English, Grade C/4 or above in science (primary only)
- Application process: Apply directly through Teach First training partners:
- Application deadline: Varies depending on SCITT provider
Schools Direct
- This route involves training to be a teacher whilst working in a school as an unqualified teacher
- No tuition fees
- Salaried
- Duration: 1 year
- Qualification achieved: QTS, PGCE (in most cases)
- Requirements: Undergraduate degree, GCSE grade C/4 or above in maths and English, Grade C/4 or above in science (primary only)
- Application process: Apply through individual providers (Schools or Multi Academy Trusts), which can be found at
- Application deadline: Applications open
Teacher degree apprenticeships (TDA)
- Salaried
- Duration: 4 years
- Qualification achieved: Bachelor’s degree and QTS
- Requirements: GCSE grade 4 or above in maths and English, Grade C/4 or above in science (primary only), A Level Qualifications
- Application process: Applications open until Setpember 2025 for 2025-6 cohort, apply at
- Application deadline: Applications open
Teach First
- Salaried. Earn between £20,000 to £30,000 per year
- Duration: 2 years
- Qualification achieved: PGCE with QTS
- Requirements: Undergraduate degree of 2:1 or above (2:2 is considered for secondary roles), Grade C/4 or above in GCSE maths and English, Grade C/4 or above in science (primary only)
- Application process: Opens 6 January 2025 for Sept 2025 places
- Application deadline: Application process opens 6 January, closing date TBC
- Find out more
Assessment Only
- If you’re an experienced teacher with a degree, you can achieve qualified teacher status (QTS) without having to do any further training.
- Fee-funded. £1500 to £4000
- Duration: 1 to 3 months (up to 12 weeks)
- Qualification achieved: QTS
- Requirements: Undergraduate degree, GCSE grade C/4 or above in maths and English,Grade C/4 or above in science (primary only)
- Application process: apply through individual providers
- Find out more
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Abbreviations explained....
QTS - Qualified Teacher Status
PGCE - Post Graduate Certificate in Education
SCITT - School Centred Inital Teacher Training
TDA - Teacher Degree Apprenticeships