School student events
The Society runs a variety of events for students including careers events, lectures and study days.

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Our full range of events will enrich your knowledge of the world's people, places and environments.

Choosing the right university and geography course - March
This session aims to support students in making the right choices for them when choosing both a university and a geography course.

Choosing the right university and geography course - May
This session aims to support students in making the right choices for them when choosing both a university and a geography course.

Choosing geography at university - webinar
This online session is aimed at Year 12 geography students who are considering studying geography at university.

Choosing geography at university - in person workshop
This in person workshop is aimed at Year 12 geography students who are considering studying geography at university.

What do geographers actually do?
This free event aims to support students, teachers and parents to understand what careers are available for those that choose to study geography. Our speakers will discuss how they use geography in their work, and how this geography has led to real-world impact.

Exploring geographical careers in real estate - workshop
Knight Frank's Research Analytics team will be visiting the Society to present to geography students about career opportunities in the real estate industry.

Our changing climate: why does 1°C matter?
Those who downplay the risks of climate change sometimes suggest that global warming is ‘just’ an increase of 1°C so the consequences cannot be large. This talk by Professor Ed Hawkins will highlight why 1°C matters.

Pristine seas: the last wild places in the ocean
Ocean life is at risk because of overfishing and global warming, but there are still a few remote places that have been saved from human destruction. Enric Sala will bring stories from National Geographic Pristine Seas expeditions and share lessons learned about how to bring the ocean back to life.