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Theme and Specification link

This activity explores the costs and benefits of the increasing demand for building in hazardous zones in the US.  

The link to the Financial Times article used here can be found at: 

This article underpins many aspects of coasts and hazards within the A Level Specifications specifically:

AQA Coastal management The concept of hazard in a geographical context Storm hazards Fires in nature Case studies (beyond the UK)


Enquiry question 3: How do coastal erosion and sea level change alter the physical characteristics of coastlines and increase risks?

Enquiry question 4: How can coastlines be managed to meet the needs of all players?

(Eduqas) and WJEC

1.1.9 Coastal processes are a vital context for human activity

1.1.10 The impact of human activity on coastal landscape systems

(3)4.5.5 Impacts and management of climatic hazards

(3)4.5.7 People, climate and the future


4.b. Economic development unintentionally causes change within coastal landscape systems.

4.c. Mitigation and adaptation are complementary strategies for reducing and managing the risks of climate change.

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US development in hazardous areas


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US development in hazardous areas (1)


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