Theme and Specification link
This activity explores the impacts of tropical storms in the US.
The link to the Financial Times article accompanying this activity can be found here:
This article underpins many aspects of natural hazards and extreme weather within the A Level Specifications specifically:
AQA Storm hazards. Sources of water: exogenous, endoreic and ephemeral; the episodic role of water; sheet flooding, channel flash flooding. The concept of hazard in a geographical context.
2B.9.b. Storm surge events can lead to severe coastal flooding with dramatic short-term impacts (depressions, tropical cyclones).
2B.10.b. Coastal flooding and storm surge events can have serious economic and social consequences for coastal communities in both developing and developed countries.
5.5.a. Meteorological causes of flooding, including intense storms leading to flash flooding, unusually heavy or prolonged rainfall, extreme monsoonal rainfall and snowmelt.
5.5.c. Damage from flooding has both environmental impacts (soils and ecosystems) and socio-economic impacts (economic activity, infrastructure and settlement) (ü UK flood events 2007 or 2012).
3.b.i. How climate change is leading to increasing frequency of extreme weather events such as wild-fire, El-Nino, floods, and drought which can affect food production.
4.b. The impacts of climate change are global and dynamic.
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