Lesson 5 - The Sea is full of Mystery
This lesson focuses on why and how oceans should be protected. This lesson provides an opportunity for pupils work collaboratively to solve a mystery style investigation.
Learning goals
1. To recognise why oceans may need protecting.
2. To look at the ways people can protect ocean environments.
3. To discover how vegetation restoration can improve ocean environments.
4. To evaluate how improving the ocean can benefit people and the environment.
Learning outcomes
Greater Depth:
Pupils will be able to construct developed thoughts linking to the seagrass diver. They will be able to justify the importance of seagrass on a number of levels. They can confidently classify their ideas without guidance.
Expected Level:
Pupils will be able to offer a developed response to seagrass restoration. They will be able to justify the importance of restoration using evidence. With some prompting, they will be able to classify their ideas.
Working Towards:
Pupils will be able to offer a response to seagrass restoration. This may be limited in development. They will be able to use evidence to identify why seagrass is important. Their classifications might be superficial or require a lot of support.
Pupils will be able to offer a limited response to seagrass restoration. They will be able to access some of the evidence to think about why seagrass is important. They may need support in classifications.
Suggested learning activities
Pupils look at a before and after image of coral restoration. They produce different words to describe the differences between the images.
Main 1
Pupils watch the seagrass restoration video and complete the thought bubble around a picture of a diver – write a word or sentence to describe how the diver is feeling/is thinking.
Main 2
Pupils work in pairs to solve the Oh no! the seagrass has gone mystery to investigate why the sea grass has disappeared. Use the same cards, as a think, pair, share task, to explain why sea grass is important and why we should work to restore it. As a challenge task, pupils could classify the cards into categories of their choosing (I.e. social, economic and environmental).
Main 3
Watch the ocean decade challenge video and discuss that vegetation restoration is one method to help meet this challenge.
Look at vegetation restoration in other parts of the world. Class discussion: how has it improved life for the ocean and the people along the coastline?
As an exit card activity, pupils provide their point of view on the following question: How has vegetation such as kelp and mangrove forest restoration improved life for the ocean and people?
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