Lesson 4 - Dive into the Deep
This is an optional lesson to use fieldwork to help deepen knowledge and understanding of how aquariums can help pupils learn more about the oceans. There is a virtual field trip as well as a physical fieldtrip option.
Learning goals
To deepen a connection with the ocean through fieldwork.
Learning outcomes
Greater Depth:
Pupils will be able to identify many ways in which fieldwork helps people connect to oceans. They will be able to fully complete the fieldwork to a high standard.
Expected Level:
Pupils will be able to identify some ways in which fieldwork helps people connect to the ocean. Their fieldwork will be competed to a good standard with few misconceptions.
Working Towards:
Pupils will be able to identify a few ways in which fieldwork can help people connect to the ocean. They will complete fieldwork well but may have some misconceptions.
Pupils will need guidance to understand how fieldwork helps people connect to oceans. They will attempt parts of the fieldwork but will possibly misinterpret some of them.
Suggested learning activities
1. Use the PPT as an introduction and (if needed) a summary of the virtual trip. Or to support your own in person trip to the aquarium.
2. Click on the link here: to the National Marine Aquarium’s virtual fieldtrip site (NOTE: this has a cost, currently £120 for a class of 32 + £60 per additional class) and / or visit a local aquarium and complete tasks from the fieldwork booklet around how these places offer a window into the local and global seascape.
Pupils to create their own fieldwork adventure from the classroom using laptops / iPads. They can work in small groups / pairs to complete their task.
Visit the Monterey Bay webcam. Pupils can either be guided to different places or have the opportunity to explore independently. They use this to help them decide what marine environments they would like to visit.
Main 1
Using any (or a combination of) the following websites Secrets of the aquarium, Nausicaa, National Sealife Centre or continue using Monterey Bay Aquarium pupils create a field trip with activities for another group to complete focusing on how we are connected to the ocean. The fieldwork should last between 15 and 30 minutes depending on the time you have in your classroom.
Pupils swap their fieldwork with another group who then complete the tasks created for them.
OR (self-guided fieldwork)
There is an adaptable fieldwork booklet for ideas to use on a self-guided trip to a local aquarium of your choice.
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