Follow up task
To sum up and review all that you have done over the last few lessons, you are going to write and present an article which could be included in Geographical magazine exploring one of the issues covered in the learning from the lessons.
The piece needs to be a combination of a written article with photographs and a script for a short video clip where you present and discuss the key points of the issue. The final piece will be presented and recorded and peer assessed by your classmates.
Before you start have a good look at the Geographical magazine website and or magazine. You may want to start by looking at the Geographical articles which mention coral reefs (search for 'coral').
When looking through each article try to answer these questions:
What is the layout like?
What is the structure of the article?
What kind of language is used (e.g. formal? informal? Persuasive? Emotive?)
Does the article have a key question or point to it?
What message do the photographs send out? And why have these images been chosen?
When writing your article and video clip script make sure to:
Use what you have learnt from the observations of the Geographical magazine website.
Think carefully about the message you want to send out in your piece
Use key geographical terms
Consider the language of your piece
Ensure you are accurate with spelling, punctuation and grammar.
Finally you will perform your script, when doing this think carefully about:
Your tone of voice (which parts of the script require emphasis?)
The clarity and pace of your presentation
Your body language
Not only will you be expected to present your article and issue, but you will also be expected to peer assess the presentation of your classmates. This is an important responsibility as your comments will help your classmates improve in future work.
When peer assessing:
Listen carefully to what is being said as well as how the person presents (you should be judging quality of the content as well as the quality of presentation
Judge the quality of presentation using the pointers above
Judging the content of the presentation will be more difficult, but again use the points above on writing the article to do this
In your feedback give your classmate comments on what they have done well and then constructive comments on how they could improve. Try to be as specific as possible with these as this will help your classmates the most