Multiple image task
Set up Time: 5 minutes
Activity time: 15 minutes
Aims of activity
To get the class to link their understanding of individual geographical features and topics to other features and topics. Sometimes the geographical links are not obvious, so this activity encourages students to think beyond the everyday geography they see and make geographical connections across themes, even when those connections are tenuous or not obvious.
Key messages
Geography is everywhere- most things can be linked to geography in some way.
Sometimes connections can be made through geography that are not immediately obvious. Many of the connections can also link to students’ everyday lives and lived experiences.
Students could be put into groups and asked to link images shown on a PPT slide (examples can be downloaded) by using their understanding of geography.
Groups will be then asked to present their results to the rest of the class and defend their points – can they justify the ways in which the images within their selection are geographically linked? Does the class agree? Can they find other links and connections?
Materials Required
A series of different images that are license free from websites such as Unsplash or Pixabay. An example PPT is provided but teachers can group their own images (which could be done by rough theme / career type / at random / by groups of students to test another group).
Instead of giving students a specific group of images, you can give them an individual image and then they can find others that they believe link to it geographically, creating different sets of images each time.
You can also adapt this to highlight and showcase different careers and get students to think about what careers are linked to geography and what geography is used by the people in these jobs.