This selection of teaching activities have been developed as part of the Society's Geography Ambassador Programme.
These #ChooseGeography activities aim to provide inspiration and context to students who may be considering studying geography at the next educational stage, be that GCSE, A Level or beyond. The activities highlight the skills that geographers develop and use, the wide range of themes and issues that are covered by the study of geography, and the types of careers that geographers can be found in.
These activities could be used by:
Teachers who wish to embed short activities into their schemes of work to highlight career pathways and encourage uptake.
Teachers who wish to run longer Choose Geography or careers focused lessons, as a selection of these activities could be used to cover a full lesson worth of material.
Undergraduate or Professional Ambassadors, who can visit your school to run sessions for your students.
Any teacher, student or professional who is running a careers session or talking about why they have studied geography, including careers fairs, options evenings, geography clubs.
These activities can be used to cover a 'Why I love geography' / 'Why study geography' theme, looking at the wide range of topics and themes that geography covers, as well as being adapted to focus on a specific topic or career genre.

Card task
Describing a picture and key term without using specific wording

Hot topics box
Exploring the geographical links and connections linked to a range of objects

Vote with your feet
Encouraging students to use geographical knowledge to form opinions

Geography in the news
Finding geographical links and themes in news and current affairs

Mallet's Mallet
A geographical word association game

Single image task
Finding connections and exploring themes using images

Geographical skills audit
Investigating what makes geographers stand out from the crow

Geography Superheroes
Using geographical role models to highlight skills and careers

Multiple image task
Finding geographical connections using image collections