What is life like in Brazil?
This lesson was created to assess pupils’ knowledge and understanding developed throughout the unit
The lesson provides pupils with the opportunity to share their understanding through a research-based independent project. The lesson also provides cross-curricular links to literacy by encouraging pupils to write at length, and ICT to produce the work created.
Within this lesson, the pupils should be encouraged to refer to the working wall to remind them of the key concepts, vocabulary, and ideas covered within the unit.
Key questions
To assess knowledge and understanding of Brazil.
To develop an in-depth understanding of the geographical features of Brazil.
How will you attract tourists to your destination?
What are the main human and physical features in your destination?
Why should I visit this destination?
What makes this destination better than elsewhere in the world?
Additional resources
Access to the internet
Sugar paper and pens
Optional resource: visit a local travel agent and collect several hard-copy examples of travel brochures to share with the pupils to accompany those found online (see web links below).
Additional links
Go to the National Geographic website (information guides of Brazil)
Go to the Brazil Ecotravel website (online travel brochures)
In the final lesson of the unit, the pupils will have an opportunity to demonstrate their acquired knowledge and understanding.
The teacher should begin the lesson by explaining that the pupils will be developing their independent learning and research skills within this lesson.
Explain to the pupils that they will be taking on the role of the Brazilian tourist guides who have the responsibility of attracting tourists to visit Brazil. Pose the following question to the whole class:
What do you think this job role entails?
The pupils should think, pair, share their ideas before having a whole class discussion. The teacher should emphasise the importance of persuasion and attracting tourists to visit Brazil.
The teacher can use the following questions to develop the discussion:
Why would you want to visit Brazil?
What would attract tourists to Brazil?
At this point, the pupils could use sugar paper to jot down their ideas before sharing them with the rest
of the class.
Following this, the teacher should pose the following question:
What do you think we would have to create to attract tourists to Brazil?
Main Activity
The teacher should show the pupils a selection of travel brochures and online adverts. There are
examples to be found in the What is life like in Brazil? PPT. Additionally, examples could be collected from travel agents to share with the pupils.
Allow the pupils the opportunity to study the brochures in detail before posing the following question:
How could we form a success criteria for the creation of a successful brochure/ tourist information guide?
Using the example, the pupils should work in table groups to form a success criteria which they can share with the class.
Using the ideas presented by the pupils, the teacher should then form a whole class success criteria which could be placed on the class board or working wall.
Example success criteria (downloadable resource):
I can use geographical vocabulary to describe the human and physical features.
I can use maps, diagrams, and images to describe the environment.
I can use titles and headings to describe the different features.
I can use persuasive language to describe my location .
I can use interesting sentence starters and connectives.
I can use a variety of punctuation including rhetorical questions.
In the main activity, the pupils are presented with the Task Cards (downloadable resource). Each table should be given a different task card to create a variety of work at the end of the topic. This task could be carried out independently, or with pupils working in small mixed ability groups of pairs.
Task cards:
A city escape brochure
As a member of the Rio de Janeiro tourist information board your task is to attract tourists to visit your city. Your guide should include the following information:-
The location of the city
The major human and physical landmarks
The best places to visit and explore in the city
The food and drinks you should try
The best cultural events you should attend
A beach resort brochure
There are hundreds of beautiful beaches around the world which people should visit. As a member of the Brazilian tourist information board you have discovered that people are opting to visit beaches in other parts of the world rather than those in Brazil. Your task is to create a beach resort brochure that will encourage tourists to visit the beaches of Brazil. Your brochure should include the following: Images and descriptions of the best beaches
Maps and directions of the beaches showing people how to reach them
The best human and physical landmarks found close to the beaches of Brazil
The best places to stay, visit, and eat whilst visiting Brazil’s beaches
The natural wonders of Brazil information guide
Many people have heard about the natural wonders of the world however very few have the opportunity to visit them. As a member of the eco-tourism board in Brazil your task is to create an information guide to share with tourists who want to visit these places.
Your guide should include information about the following-
The Amazon Rainforest
The Pantanal
The Cerrado
The Caatinga
The Mata- Atlantica
The Pampas
A guide to the Amazon rainforest
As one of Brazil’s most well-known natural environments, many tourists want to visit. As a member of the Amazon rainforest tourism board your task is to create a tourist information guide to help visitors find out all they need to know about the Amazon.
Your guidebook should include the following:-
The location and size of the Amazon rainforest
The plants and animals of the rainforest
The indigenous people of the rainforest
The cities of the rainforest: Manaus
Throughout the creation of their task, the pupils should be encouraged to use a range of resources to develop their knowledge and understanding of Brazil and its human and physical features.
These resources should include: Brazil Fact File on the National Geographic site: ICT (computers/IPads etc.).
Having created their tourist information guides the teacher should explain that the pupils have one final task to complete. The teacher should explain that they will have to sell their destination using persuasive language techniques and styles. This task could be developed further by allowing the pupils to create presentations and use ICT to create videos in which they sell their destinations. The unit could end with a judging panel; the teacher could act as the panel and judge the pupils work. This judgment could be assessed against the success criteria (see downloadable resources).
The teacher could use the following key questions to support the activity:
Why do you think your location is better than any other?
What is the most unique human/physical feature in your location?
Can you describe where you location is using a map?
How will you attract tourists to your destination?
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