Sudan: Hope for the future
This lesson investigates how Sudan might develop
Key questions
How should Sudan develop?
How sustainable is Sudan's future?
How should Sudan develop?
With a landmass of over two million square kilometres, Sudan is the largest country in Africa. It has borders with nine countries, all of which will be affected to a greater or lesser degree by the conclusion of a peace deal in their giant neighbour. A comprehensive peace agreement between the Sudanese government and rebel Sudan People's Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A) has the potential to change the dynamics of the region. One of the greatest effects of a peace deal would be the return of hundreds of thousands of Sudanese refugees to their country from the neighbouring states. If peace lasts, then Sudan does have a sustainable future but it will take many years to repair the damage to communities in the worse affected areas. Sudan has an $8 billion, six-year reconstruction plan, called the ‘Framework for Sustained Peace, Development and Poverty Eradication in Sudan' funded mainly by oil revenues. If the money is used to fund basic services such as clean water, health services and education, people's lives could improve greatly.
Think, pair, share
How do you think Sudan could improve its economy and the standard of living of its people following the civil war?
You have one minute (on your own) to think up as many ideas as you can.
When the minute is up, share your ideas with a partner and see if you can come up with any more together. You have one minute to do this.
Finally, share your ideas with the rest of the class.
Main Activity
Decision making task
Download the successful Sudan task sheet which explains what you will be doing for this task. You will take on the role of the head of economic planning for the Sudanese government. Using the 'successful Sudan information cards', you will decide which of four projects will be most beneficial to Sudan's economy and population. Complete the 'successful Sudan table' with your answers.
When you've completed the table, you will be asked to write and record a three minute broadcast to the nation explaining your choice and the benefits you think it will bring. You'll need to do some Internet research to find out a bit more about your project, but all of this is explained in the task sheet.
Your final task is to design a poster and information leaflet to advertise your chosen project and the benefits it will bring to Sudan.
Which of the four projects did you go for? Share your decision and the reasons behind it with the rest of the class.
Which of the projects was most popular
How will this project benefit Sudan
What could the government of Sudan do to ensure further development in the future
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