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Orange welcome sign that reads Royal Geographical Society with IBG.

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A white number 5 on a brown rock background

Benchmark 5: encounters with employers and employees

Benchmark 5 states that: every student should have multiple opportunities to learn from employers about work, employment and the skills that are valued in the workplace. This can be through a range of enrichment activities including visiting speakers, mentoring and enterprise schemes.

  • Every year, from the age of 11, pupils in schools should participate in at least one meaningful encounter with an employer (a ‘meaningful encounter’ is one in which the student has the opportunity to learn about what work is like or what it takes to be successful in the workplace).
  • Every year, alongside their study programme, students in colleges should participate in at least two meaningful encounters with an employer. At least one encounter should be delivered through their curriculum area.

The Society is able to support Gatsby Benchmark 5 in the following ways:

Schools and colleges should engage fully with national, regional and local employers and professional networks to ensure real-world connections and meaningful encounters with employers DfE Careers guidance and access for education and training providers, January 2023.
A student and teacher sitting together at a desk, looking at school work.

Careers resources from the Society

Teaching resources that link to real people in real jobs and flagging employers where appropriate.

Chest-level close up of people lined up while holding hard constructions helmets and wearing yellow high vis clothing.

Training and events

Careers and progression events for students and teachers using professional speakers from a range of employers and sectors.

Group of people posing for a photo with their arms around each other's shoulders.

Professional Ambassadors

The Society’s Professional Ambassador network features speakers who can visit schools to provide access to information direct from employers and geographers in the workplace.

A person holding a sign that says # Choose Geography

Choose a career with geography

Our #ChooseGeography section includes information about the knowledge, skills and behaviours that make you employable as a geographer.

A smartphone screen displaying the Geography page of the Society's website.

I am a geographer

Online Career profiles that provide pupils with access to a range of professional routes and geographical jobs through a range of employers.

Remote sensing image of a mountain

Use Geography

Our 'Use Geography' video clips provide pupils with access to a range of professional routes and geographical jobs through a range of employers.

Two people in an office having a conversation and gesturing to one another.

Choose geography apprenticeships

Information about apprenticeships, technical and vocational routes into geographical sectors and jobs through a range of employers.

Two men sitting across from eachother at a wooden desk, both wearing headphones. Both have microphones and sound recording equipment around them and one is interviewing the other

Ask the geographer podcasts

Ask the Geographer podcasts allow students to engage with the latest geographical research and seek answers from a range of leading geography researchers and practitioners.

Two people sitting across form each other at a table talking.

Work experience

Information about how to find work experience opportunities including a work experience directory.

A person hunched over a display cabinet and a young child pointing at an old world map.

Invite a Professional Ambassador

Find out what to expect if you are a teacher, school or university interested in inviting a Professional Ambassador.