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Orange welcome sign that reads Royal Geographical Society with IBG.

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A yellow and black sign showing the number 4 on a blue sky background.

Benchmark 4: linking curriculum learning to careers

Benchmark 4 states that: all subject staff should link curriculum learning with careers, even on courses that are not specifically occupation-led. 

  • By the age of 14 (or during their programme of study if at college), every pupil should have had the opportunity to learn how their subjects (including STEM subjects) help people to gain entry to, and be more effective workers within, a wide range of careers.

The Society is able to support Gatsby Benchmark 4 in the following ways:

A student and teacher sitting together at a desk, looking at school work.

Careers resources from the Society

A bank of curriculum relevant resources that provide ideas, activities, and showcase real people doing real geographical jobs. Resources are tailored by Key Stage where appropriate.

Group of people posing for a photo with their arms around each other's shoulders.

Professional Ambassadors

The Society’s Professional Ambassador network features speakers who can visit schools to provide curriculum relevant information direct from employers and geographers in the workplace.

A smartphone screen displaying the Geography page of the Society's website.

I am a geographer

Online Career profiles that provide pupils with access to a range of professional routes and geographical jobs which can be linked to curriculum topics.

Remote sensing image of a mountain

Use Geography

Our 'Use Geography' video clips provide pupils with access to a range of professional routes and geographical jobs which can be linked to curriculum topics.

Chest-level close up of people lined up while holding hard constructions helmets and wearing yellow high vis clothing.

Training and events

Training and CPD for teachers on how to embed careers education into the geography curriculum effectively.

A person hunched over a display cabinet and a young child pointing at an old world map.

Invite a Professional Ambassador

Find out what to expect if you are a teacher, school or university interested in inviting a Professional Ambassador.