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Orange welcome sign that reads Royal Geographical Society with IBG.

Become a member and discover where geography can take you.

Join us
A large green number 2 on a background of grass, with a hedge and cloudy blue skies.

Benchmark 2: learning from career and labour market information

Benchmark 2 states that: every student, and their parents or guardians (where appropriate), should have access to good quality information about future study options and labour market opportunities.

  • By the age of 14 (or during their study programme if in colleges) , all pupils should have accessed and used information about career paths and the labour market to inform their own decisions on study options.
  • Parents and guardians should be encouraged to access and use information about labour markets and future study options to inform their support to children in their care.

The Society is able to support Gatsby Benchmark 2 in the following ways:

A student and teacher sitting together at a desk, looking at school work.

Careers resources from the Society

Careers and progression resources for teachers and students that use real-world examples, current labour market data and showcase the breadth of employment sectors that geographers are present in.

Chest-level close up of people lined up while holding hard constructions helmets and wearing yellow high vis clothing.

Training and events

Online and face to face careers events for students, featuring professionals and employers talking about pathways and labour markets, as well as university pathway events for students and teachers including support for choosing a university and geography course.

Group of people posing for a photo with their arms around each other's shoulders.

Professional Ambassadors

The Society’s Professional Ambassador network features speakers who can visit schools to provide access to labour market information direct from employers and geographers in the workplace.

A person holding a sign that says # Choose Geography

Choose geography

Our #ChooseGeography section includes signposting to university courses and support for choosing and researching courses, and career pathway information.

A smartphone screen displaying the Geography page of the Society's website.

I am a geographer

Online Career profiles that provide pupils with access to a range of professional routes and geographical jobs.

Remote sensing image of a mountain

Use Geography

Our 'Use Geography' video clips provide pupils with access to a range of professional routes and geographical jobs.

Two people in an office having a conversation and gesturing to one another.

Choose geography apprenticeships

Information about apprenticeships, technical and vocational routes into geographical sectors and jobs.

A person hunched over a display cabinet and a young child pointing at an old world map.

Invite a Professional Ambassador

Find out what to expect if you are a teacher, school or university interested in inviting a Professional Ambassador.