Careers resources from the Society
The Society has a wealth of careers teaching materials which use case studies and examples from our professional networks, demonstrating geographers using their geographical skills and knowledge in the workplace.
We also provide embeddable activities and guidance as to how you can fully embed careers education into your teaching to enhance learning and encourage your students to #ChooseGeography.
If you wish to search and filter our careers materials by topic and key stage, you can do so via our (select 'type - careers' first).
Choose Geography scheme of work
Written by Beatrice Spicer, Rex Walford Award winner 2024
Choose Geography flyer for options evenings
A flyer to give to students and parents/guardians at options evenings to encourage uptake to GCSE and A Level
Study Geography supplement 2024
A guide to studying geography at university
Going Places with Geography poster
Find out more about geographical careers and pathways
Careers in planning and the built environment
Find out more about careers in town planning and the built environment
What do geographers actually do?
It is well known that geographers save the world, but what is it that geographers actually do?
Careers with Geographical Information Systems
Activities to provide students with a good idea of what GIS is and how it is applied in the real world.
Choose Geography activities
A selection of teaching materials to encourage students to consider studying geography
Ask the geographer podcasts
Keep your GCSE and A Level case studies up to date with the latest geographical research in our podcasts. Listen to the full collection here.
Geography apprenticeships
Apprenticeships are a great way to develop practical skills and can lead to a wide range of careers in geography
Geography at university – exploring modules on offer
We speak to some undergraduates about what modules they are studying at university
A conversation with Francisca Rockey and Louis Smith Lassey from Black Geographers
A community interest company working to tackle the erasure of black people in geography