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Find out more about the University of Winchester

Find out about geography at the University of Winchester

The University of Winchester offers the following outreach and engagement opportunities for schools, students and teachers:

Events and lectures

Taster Lectures
The University of Winchester offer taster lectures in a variety of subjects incuding geography to applicants who want a real taste of what university lectures are like. These lectures could consist of the the following topics:

  • Disaster management and risk reduction in South Asia
  • Environmental change and reconstructing past environments
  • Skills for Geographers in the sustainable future

 Find out more

Experience Winchester Days
These events are 1.5 – 2 hours in length on a Saturday morning in late winter/early spring. They are interactive study sessions and give UCAS applicant students a taste of how the geography programme is taught at Winchester.  Unlike a normal open day session,  parents do not attend these sessions (unless under special circumstances) so it is close to a “real life” seminar/practical as possible, using practical spaces/labs/facilities. Find out more

Visits to and from schools

It is possible for schools to arrange to visit the University of Winchester.

The Schools and Colleges Team are available to deliver a variety of talks and workshops on campus, virtually, or in person at your school or college. All sessions are designed to enable every student to make informed decisions about progression to higher education, whilst supporting your Gatsby Benchmarks. Find out more

Open days

Find out more about open day dates using our Directory of Open Days

Separate campus tours are also run regularly.

Scholarships, funding and opportunities

Various scholarships, bursaries and awards are offered. Find out more

Teacher CPD and resources

A set of class materials (a single taster lecture that will be made available online) is under development.

Advice and resources for teachers and careers advisors


Ellie Price 

Outreach Team