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Find out more about the University of Leeds

Find out about geography at the University of Leeds

The University of Leeds offers the following outreach and engagement opportunities for schools, students and teachers:

Ambassadors programme

The University of Leeds has a Student Ambassador Talks Programme, which sends current geography undergraduate students to schools and colleges within a 1-hour travel time from the University of Leeds. These talks are designed to inspire your students to consider studying geography at higher education level and give insight into life at university. All talks are free of charge and you can request a visit via their website.

Postgraduate Workshops

The University of Leeds has an In School Workshops Programme, which sends current postgraduate students to schools and colleges within a 2-hour travel time from the University of Leeds. These interactive subject specific workshops designed to your student’s insight into teaching at higher education level. All talks are free of charge; you can view the current talks on offer and request a visit via their website.

Some in-school talks from the geology and geophysics postgraduates may also be relevant.

Summer schools

University of Leeds offers themed summer schools for students: Social Sciences Summer School. The perfect opportunity for Year 12 students to explore a variety of social sciences subjects (including Environment, Geography, Sociology, Education, Politics and International Studies and Business) and live life as a university student. The summer school is free of charge, and University of Leeds provides travel bursaries for students who need additional support. 

Leeds Futures – Environment

This is a sustained national outreach programme; which runs from March – December, providing Y12/Y13 students with valuable insight into the BA and BSc programmes on offer through both the School of Geography and the School of Earth and Environment at the University of Leeds. Participants will have the opportunity to engage with and interact with, lecturers, postgraduate students, undergraduate students, admissions leads, subject programme leads, skills at library, Leeds University Union, and much more. This programme is free of charge, and travel support is provided to students who need it.

Visits to and from schools

Students into Schools is a free programme provides that curriculum support and targeted interventions to support your pupils, raise aspirations and attainment.

Diversity in Development is a taster day for KS4 and 5 students interested in exploring the key issues and debates within international development and speaking to practitioners in the field. This is run by the Politics team.

Open days

Find out more about open day dates using our Directory of Open Days

Through its widening participation work, the University of Leeds is occassionally able to offer campus taster days for pupils from schools who may have less opportunity to visit a university in person.

Teacher CPD and resources

Subject insight video series


Faculty Educational Engagement Lead Officer: Sarah Coletta 

Widening Participation Academic Lead: Dr Nick Hood 

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Outreach Team