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Find out more about the University of Cambridge

Find out about geography at the University of Cambridge

The University of Cambridge offers the following outreach and engagement opportunities for schools, students and teachers:

Events and lectures

Lectures for students
The University of Cambridge works with the Geographical Association to provide lectures for students. These are for schools in the local Cambridgeshire area. Please contact Jim Hill or Liam Saddington for details

Subject masterclasses
Subject Masterclasses are arranged via the central University. Please see their website for details. 

Visits to and from schools

Every part of the UK is linked with a Cambridge College through the Area Links Scheme, which gives schools and colleges in each area a direct contact at the University. 

The Area Links Scheme: 

  • Provides all UK schools and colleges with a dedicated contact for advice and guidance
  • Enables schools and colleges to build strong, effective relationships with the Colleges
  • Helps Colleges to get to know specific regions and their local educational environments
  • Allows Colleges to tailor outreach activities to the needs of each location

The scheme does not preclude contact with other Colleges. Students are not expected or obliged to apply to their linked College and the scheme has no influence on the application process and applicants' chances of getting in. If you would like to arrange a school visit or find out more about Cambridge, please liaise with the contact for your school/college's area.

Many colleges run their own taster days, summer schools and other opportunities for students to experience Geography at University.

Open days

Find out more about open day dates using our Directory of Open Days

Summer schools

Each year the Department runs a summer school with the Sutton Trust. Please see University of Cambridge - Sutton Trust for details

Scholarships, funding and opportunities

The Department of Geography will fund a new undergraduate student from an underrepresented background to study for a Geography degree at the University of Cambridge. Black or mixed Black heritage students with a confirmed place can apply for the scholarship of up to £12,000 for each year of study. The Scholarship can be used to cover tuition fees or maintenance costs for the three year duration of the course. Details here: Geography Scholarship | Undergraduate Study – please note the applicants must be existing offer holders.

Teacher CPD and resources

Dr Liam Saddington has worked on various projects to develop materials for schools. These can be found on the RGS-IBG website:

What is a country?

Debating Global Governance: “Model UNPO” role play

Members of the department periodically run Teacher CPDs with the RGS-IBG.


Liam Saddington

College Area Contacts