Race, Culture and Equality Working Group (RACE)
The Race, Culture and Equality Working Group (RACE) would like to recognise research conducted by undergraduate students on any issue related to the geographies of race, racism and equality. The winner will receive a cash prize.
Nominations are requested from Dissertation Supervisors or Heads of Department at any UK geography department. There is no limit of submissions per institution, but nominated dissertations should not be submitted for consideration for any other RGS-IBG prizes or be currently published. Students taking joint degrees are eligible to enter for the prize, provided that at least half their course is in geography.
The dissertations should be circa 10,000 words in length and submitted for formal assessment in the current academic year.
Please send the following via email or link (for instance Dropbox) to Dr Amer Kanngieser at am.kanngieser@rhul.ac.uk:
- A single PDF file of the dissertation (fully anonymised).
- A copy of the appropriate departmental dissertation regulations.
- Contact details for the student (post-September).
Nominations should include 'RACE UG dissertation submission' as the email subject.
We are accepting dissertations from 2023/24 given the award was deferred due to university strike action.
Deadline: to be announced.