Economic Geography Research Group (EGRG)
The Economic Geography Research Group (EGRG) is pleased to again welcome submissions to the annual Undergraduate Dissertation Prize.
A prize of £50 is awarded each year for the best undergraduate dissertation in economic geography (broadly define). Nominated dissertations should be an outstanding theoretical and/or empirical piece of work, usually 8,000 words or more in length, and submitted for formal assessment in the current academic year (2023/2024) to a UK Higher Education Institution for a BA/BSc level geography degree programme.
Please note that a department may not submit more than one entry and nominated dissertations should not be submitted for consideration for any other RGS-IBG prizes.
Please send any nominated dissertations (preferably in PDF format) via email to the EGRG Prizes Officer at liam.keenan1@nottingham.ac.uk (Dr Liam Keenan).
Deadline: to be announced.