Climate Change Research Group (CCRG)
The Climate Change Research Group is pleased to launch its annual prize for the best undergraduate dissertation based on original research in any area of climate change research.
The first prize winner will receive £100 worth of Routledge books of their choice, and the second place winner will receive £50 worth of Routledge books of their choice. Where possible, the committee will aim to award one prize to a human geography dissertation, and one prize to a physical geography dissertation.
The prize is open to undergraduate students studying at a UK university. The dissertation should be submitted to the CCRG committee for consideration by the applicant’s Department Head (or nominated representative) with the student’s agreement. Only dissertations submitted to a UK university for formal assessment during the current academic year will be considered.
Please note that we only accept one entry per department and that the dissertation should not be submitted for simultaneous consideration to any other RGS-IBG prize.
Please send the following via email at o.g.taylor@sussex.ac.uk, writing 'CCRG dissertation prize' in the subject bar and addressing the CCRG Dissertation prize rep, Dr Olivia Taylor:
- PDF file of the dissertation.
- Supporting statement (one page max). Please note that this year a mark will not be required due to the Marking and Assessment Boycott. Please therefore ensure that the supporting statement provides a good indication of the quality of the work in the lieu of this.
- Copy of dissertation regulations.
- Email address for the student which will be valid after the end of the academic year (in the case of institutional addresses which expire).
Deadline: to be announced.