Carceral Geography Working Group (CGWG)
A £50 prize will be awarded for the best undergraduate dissertation. The prize-winner will also be invited to feature their writing on the Carceral Geography website.
Nominated dissertations should:
- Be an outstanding theoretical and/or empirical piece of work
- Be usually 8,000 words or more in length.
- Have been submitted for formal assessment no earlier than 12 months before the prize deadline for a BA/BSc level degree programme.
- Include a full set of references and images (as relevant).
- Be submitted in PDF format.
Students need not necessarily be aligned to a geography(-related) discipline but their work should engage with issues of carcerality and/or themes emergent in carceral geographies. We welcome entries from students outside of the UK but the dissertation should be submitted in (or professionally translated to) English.
Dissertations should be nominated by either a research supervisor, department Dissertation Coordinator, Head of Department, or Head of Discipline. Please note that a department may not submit more than one entry and nominated dissertations should not be submitted for consideration for any other RGS-IBG prizes.
We recognise that the 2023 UCU Marking and Assessment Boycott may have affected submissions in 2023. For the 2024 competition only, we will accept dissertations submitted within 24 months of the submission deadline
For any further details or questions please contact Dr Lara Palombo using the details below.
Email submissions to Dr Lara Palombo at lara.palombo@mq.edu.au
Deadline: to be confirmed.