Research Group awards and prizes
Discover more about the awards and grants given out by the Society's Research and Working Groups.
Prospective support
The British Society for Geomorphology
Postgraduate grants
University of Liverpool-BSG Luminescence Dating Award (postgrad)
University of Liverpool-BSG Luminescence Dating Award (postgrad) offers up to six OSL ages, to pump-prime geomorphological research undertaken by postgraduate student or early-career researcher (ECR) members of the Society.
Postgraduate Conference Attendance Grants
Conference attendance grants are available to help BSG postgraduate members who wish to attend the BSG Annual Meeting or any other disciplinary conferences.
Postgraduate Research Grant
Grants of up to £2,000 are available to fund research projects proposed by postgraduate members of the society.
Member Grants: BSG Special Call: Decolonising Geomorphology
The British Society for Geomorphology invites applications to a special call on decolonising geomorphology. Two grants of up to £5,000 are available for this purpose.
Early career grants
University of Liverpool-BSG Luminescence Dating Award (early career)
The University of Liverpool-BSG Luminescence Dating Award offers up to six OSL ages, to pump-prime geomorphological research undertaken by postgraduate student or Early-Career Researcher (ECR) members of the Society.
Carer Support Grant
The BSG has instituted a Carer Support Grant which will help carers undertake dedicated geomorphology-related academic activities (e.g., attending conferences, meetings, workshops; or conducting field-based research; or partaking in national/international internship; etc.) that they might not otherwise be able to undertake because of their care responsibilities.
The proposed grant scheme offers up to £500 in support, which can be used towards any additional caring costs incurred by the carer whilst undertaking the academic activity.
Geomorphological Outreach Grant
Grants of up to £1,000 are available to full members of the society who would like to organise geomorphological outreach activities involving schools, the general public or industry
Research Network Grant
Grants of up to £2,000 each are available to support the development and activities of research networks that are geared towards developing bids for large-scale external funding, for example through EU sources, RCUK thematic programmes and/or RCUK Discovery Science bids.
BSG Support for Conference or Session Sponsorship
For conference or conference session organisers only. BSG sponsors events/sessions/keynotes at a wide range of conferences (note this is not support for individuals)
Early Career Researcher Grants
Up to £7,500 is available to pump-prime geomorphological research undertaken by an Early Career Researcher (ECR).
Research Grants
Grants of up to £2,000 are available to full members of the Society to fund:
- Research projects.
- Fixed Term Working Groups.
- Long-term monitoring projects.
Geographical Information Science Research Group
AIC Prize
The Geographical Information Science Research Group (GIScRG) of the Society has now established an Annual International Conference (AIC) Prize. The award is worth the monetary equivalent of full 4-day conference attendance (£185, see details on our AIC registraton page), which can be spent on the registration fee, travel or accommodation.
Historical Geographies Research Group
Biennial Conference Organisation Funding Scheme
The RGS-IBG Historical Geography Research Group seeks to support the organisation of conferences dedicated to the advancement of historical geography and the profile and careers of postgraduate and early-career historical geographers.
Support will take the form of a grant of up to £1,500 as well as such organisational and marketing assistance as can be afforded by HGRG’s committee. It is anticipated that one such grant will be awarded biennially.
Small Conference and Seminar Funding
Organisers may apply for grants or loans up to a maximum of £500.
Postgraduate Support Scheme
Postgraduates may apply to HGRG for support for travel to research sources or conferences up to a maximum of £500. Priority may be given to those whose grants do not include provision for conference fees or travel.
The British Society for Geomorphology
Fiona Kirkby Award
These awards are made upon recommendation by the ESPL Board as a tribute to Fiona Kirkby, who was the Assistant Editor of ESPL from 1978 to 2019.
They recognise outstanding contribution to the journal by reviewers. ESPL is, of course, very fortunate to have an extremely large number of excellent reviewers. But, occasionally, we see reviewers who go the extra kilometre in supporting our authors in publishing the very best geomorphological research.
The David Linton Award
The David Linton Award is given to a geomorphologist who has made a leading contribution to the discipline over a sustained period. The winner is invited to present the Linton Lecture, which is one of the central elements of the AGM.
Nominations are drawn together for the selection process in January each year and should be suibmitted by the end of December of the preceding year.
Unsuccessful nominations will be carried forward for a maximum of two further years, if (i) the Research Committee deems them to be of a sufficiently high calibre to be competitive in future years and (ii) the nominee remains eligible for the Award.
The Gordon Warwick Award
The Gordon Warwick Award is made annually for excellence in geomorphological research by someone within 15 years of being awarded their doctorate (i.e. time since graduation). Nominations are drawn together for the selection process in January each year and should be submitted by the end of December of the preceding year.
Unsuccessful nominations will be carried forward for a maximum of two further years, if:
- The Research Committee deems them to be of a sufficiently high calibre to be competitive in future years.
- The nominee remains eligible for the Award.
Mike Kirkby Award
The Mike Kirkby award is given to the best paper published in the BSG's Journal Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, as decided by the ESPL editorial board. The paper is selected from the volume of the journal for the given year of the Award.
The Dick Chorley Award
One of Dick Chorley’s lasting contributions to geomorphology lies in the post-graduate students whom he inspired and guided at the start of their academic careers. Many have gone on to academic careers themselves and include several of the leading figures in British geomorphology.
In recognition of Dick’s commitment to serving the future of the discipline, the BSG has decided to honour his memory by creating the Dick Chorley Medal and Prize (£500) for Postgraduate Research. The award is made for a published paper based on PhD research, where the nominee is expected to be the first author. Nominees should be within 4 years of their PhD award at the time of nomination.
Nominations are drawn together for the selection process in January each year and should be submitted by the end of December of the preceding year. Unsuccessful nominations will be carried forward for a maximum of two further years, if (i) the Research Committee deems them to be of a sufficiently high calibre to be competitive in future years and (ii) the nominee remains eligible for the Award.
The Bernie Smith Award
Awarded to the best poster and talk given by a postgraduate at the BSG Annual General Meeting.
Carceral Geography Working Group
Best postgraduate paper
A £50 prize will be awarded for excellent postgraduate research. The prize-winner will also be offered one-day registration for the Annual International Conference of the RGS-IBG and invited to feature their writing on the Carceral Geography website.
Deadline: 1 November
Development Geographies Research Group
Postgraduate Travel Award
DevGRG provides an annual award to a postgraduate geography student to encourage and assist fieldwork in developing countries. It is aimed at those preparing for a PhD in topics related to development studies. Applicants should be based at a UK institution of higher education, but may be of any nationality.
The award must usually be spent on travel costs, and preference may be given to students in the early stages of their research or have been especially adversely impacted by the pandemic. The successful candidate is required to provide a short report for the DevGRG website. The award is £800, although smaller awards are sometimes made.
Early Career Best Paper Prize (awarded with IDPR Journal)
In 2020, the DARG launched the DevGRG/ International Development Planning (IDPR) Review Paper Prize for early career researchers. This prize will be given to the best paper presented at a DevGRG sponsored session at the RGS-IBG Annual Conference, as presented within a DevGRG Sponsored session.
The winner will receive the chance to work with the editors of IDPR Journal to develop their paper for publication.
Energy Geographies Research Group
Postgraduate Paper Competition
The Energy Geographies Research Group (EnGRG) is pleased to announce our 2024 award competition for outstanding postgraduate writing. This year three award categories will be considered for awards (with each including a cash award of £50 each).
Submissions may take multiple forms (e.g. conceptual papers, original empirical research, methods pieces, research/policy briefings, a portfolio of impact evidence), and we welcome submissions in any field of energy geographies.
The three award categories are:
- Research Design and Methods.
- Conceptual Contribution.
- Impact, Co-creation and Engagement.
History and Philosophy of Geography Research Group
Engagement Award
Every two years, HPGRG offers a small award of £150 to support projects which seek to widen audience engagement within the history and philosophy of geography.
Political Geography Research Group
Book Award
The Political Geography Research Group Royal Geographic Society (PolGRG) Book Award was first established in September 2016, and officially launched in 2017, with sponsorship from the journal Political Geography.
Since its launch, the four recipients of the award have been:
- Reece Jones’ Violent Borders: Refugees and the Right to Move (Verso, 2016).
- Sara Fregonese’s War and the City: Urban Geopolitics in Lebanon (I.B. Tauris, 2019).
- Louise Amoore’s Cloud Ethics: Algorithms and the Attributes of Ourselves and Others (Duke, 2020).
- Alessandro Rippa’s Borderland Infrastructures: Trade, Development and Control in Western China (Amsterdam University Press, 2020).
Transport Geography Research Group
Postgraduate Paper Prize
The TGRG’s Postgraduate Paper Prize, sponsored by Edward Elgar, is awarded to the best presentation in a TGRG-sponsored session at the RGS-IBG Annual Conference. The competition is open to postgraduate students who presents at TGRG-sponsored session at the RGS-IBG Annual Conference.
Hay Award
The TGRG also awards an annual Alan Hay Award, which is given for outstanding contribution to transport geography.