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A large group of people seen from above while they are networking over tea and coffee in the main hall.

Pre-conference activities

Find out more about activities taking place in the run-up to the conference.

Find out more about activities taking place in the run-up to the conference on Tuesday 27 August, all of which are free to attend for fully registered conference delegates.

Newcomers' Symposium, incorporating the Postgraduate Forum Annual Conference Training Symposium (PGF ACTS)


This afternoon workshop is aimed at postgraduates and those new to the annual conference, who are registered to attend the conference. We’ll explore the conference, how it works, and how to make the most of your attendance. The afternoon will also include a walking tour of the conference site and workshops on peer reviewing in academic contexts. 

The schedule will be as follows:

  • 13.30: Registration (enter the Society via the Exhibition Road entrance)
  • 14.00: 'Welcome to the RGS-IBG Annual Conference 2024' with Professor Stephen Legg (Chair of Conference)
  • 14.10: 'Introduction to the RGS-IBG' with Dr Ed Armston-Sheret (RGS-IBG)
  • 14.30: 'Academic publishing: an interactive workshop', in collaboration with the RGS-IBG journals
  • 15.15: Newcomers' Reception
  • 15.45: Panel on 'Making the most of academic conference: the postgraduate perspective'
  • 16.30: Tour of the conference site
  • 17.00: Networking

There is no fee to attend, but delegates must be registered in full for the Annual Conference.

The Symposium will take place in-person in the Education Centre at the Society.

Sign up to attend

Introduction to GIS and Spatial Data Workshop


In this course, you will learn what GIS is, how it works. and how you can use it to create maps. We assume no prior knowledge of GIS and you will learn how to get data into the GIS, how to produce maps using your own data, and what you can and cannot do with spatial data. We aim to give you ideas about what you can do with GIS, and cover the basics to get you started. We will also highlight further resources if you wish to take this further

This course requires no prior knowledge of GIS or spatial data. A level of basic computer experience is required, such as using websites, Word, and saving and moving files

We expect you to bring along your laptop, and install QGIS beforehand. Instructions and support to do this will be provided beforehand. If you have an institution-managed laptop, your IT support should be able to install QGIS for you (it is a common program). If you need help, please contact us.

This session will take place in-person at the Society (room TBC).

There is no fee to attend, but delegates must be registered in full for the Annual Conference.

Sign up to attend