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Rural Geography Research Group

With the Annual Conference call for sessions open, the Rural Geography Research Group (RGRG) invite anyone interested in organising an RGRG-sponsored session to submit a proposal.

We ask that proposals are both relevant to the Chair's theme of Geographies of Creativity/Creative Geography and currently topical rural themes. We are flexible as to what this may be, however, and happy to hear new ideas.

For example, sessions may explore creative practice in and across rural space and place; examine use of creative research methods in rural research; or consider how we might creatively frame concepts in, and visions of, rural geography.

We welcome transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary sessions, which engage with a range of disciplinary and organisational perspectives, practices and expertise, and which may lead to new collaborations based on shared research interests or collective, creative visions for geography. Innovative session formats encouraging delegates to ‘conference creatively’ are also welcome.

If you would like to organise a session, please email the following to Aimee Morse at and Martin Phillips at no later than 12:00pm (noon) GMT, Monday 27 January 2025:

  • Name and affiliation of convenors, including contact details
  • Session title
  • Abstract (up to 250 words)
  • Whether your session will be in-person, online or hybrid
  • Format of session e.g. papers, workshop, World Cafe etc.

The RGRG committee will decide on which sessions to take forward by Friday 31 January 2025, with a view to sharing calls for papers for these sessions in the following week.

Further guidance for session organisers can be found on here. Please email Aimee Morse at if you have any questions.