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Call for sessions, papers and posters

The call for sessions, papers and posters is now open!

Submissions for the conference programme are now open!

Links to the submission portal can be found in our guidance for presenters and our guidance for session organisers.

The conference will be chaired by Professor Patricia Noxolo (University of Birmingham, UK) on the theme of Geographies of creativity/creative geographies.

AC2025 will take place at the University of Birmingham, and online, from Wednesday 27 to Friday 29 August 2025.

Deadlines and submission process

The deadline for submissions for the conference programme (organised sessions, papers and posters) is Friday 7 March 2025.

If you have any questions, please email us at

Guidance for participation

The following guidelines for participation will apply in 2025. These are intended to allow as many people as possible the chance to participate in the conference and to present.

Individual contributions

  • Delegates will be limited to ONE paper presentation and ONE panel/workshop contribution, OR TWO panel/workshop contributions. The role of discussant is included as a panel/workshop contribution.
  • A single paper may only be presented once at the conference.
  • We cannot guarantee to resolve all timetable clashes for non-presenting co-authors where they are involved in multiple sessions.
  • An individual should normally chair no more than TWO timeslots, unless invited by the conference organisers to chair additional sessions.
  • An individual should normally (co)convene no more than TWO sessions (so a maximum of four timeslots).

Organising a session

  • All sessions will be reviewed by the AC2025 Conference Planning Committee before being accepted for the conference.
  • Sessions will be limited to TWO timeslots in the programme. A timeslot is 1 hour 40 minutes.
  • Sessions may take the form of presented papers, panels, practitioner forums, discussions, workshops, or something else. See our guidance on session formats.
  • Sessions may opt to be in-person, online, or to request a hybrid format. Innovative formats are encouraged, particularly for online sessions which make use of uploading 'on-demand' content in advance of sessions to be viewed ahead of time.
  • Please remind contributors of the limits on individual contributions (see above) when accepting paper proposals for a session.
  • Session organisers should ensure that they have sufficient confirmed contributors to allow the session to go ahead if any withdraw.
  • Sessions do not need to be sponsored by a Society Research Group in order to appear in the programme, but session organisers may wish to seek the sponsorship of one of the Society's Research Groups for their session.