Maintaining CGeog status
Make the most of Chartered Geographer status and have a wider impact with the Society's professional communities.
Chartered Geographer status is renewed annually subject to the following requirements:
Completion of at least 35 hours of continuing professional development (CPD) annually, submitting a complete record of this to the Society by 31 January each year; and
Payment of the annual subscription fees for Fellowship and Chartered Geographer.
If you do not submit a suitable CPD record (or meet our requirements for exemption) and pay your annual subscription fees, your Chartered Geographer status will be withdrawn. Read our guidance on completing and recording CPD
Alongside this, there are several ways you can maintain your Chartered Geographer status and contribute to the Society's work with professional communities, supporting and promoting the use of geography in professional practice while further developing your own knowledge and expertise.
News and information from the Society
The Society's regular Professional News email is packed with news and views, events and other information for Chartered Geographers and others in professional practice. Chartered Geographers are automatically subscribed to this newsletter when awarded CGeog status, along with any member-only emails from the Society more broadly.
Follow us on Twitter @RGS_IBG for Society updates, and use the hashtag #CGeog when sharing news and information on social media.
Events and CPD
We have a wide range of events in London and around the UK that may be of interest to you and your work. Take a moment to see what's coming up. Chartered Geographers may also request use of a room at the Society to host an event - get in touch if you're interested in this.
LinkedIn discussion groups
Chartered Geographer a LinkedIn page which can be used to network with other Chartered Geographers and keep up to date with industry news:
Chartered Geographer assessors and mentors
Becoming an assessor and/or mentor for Chartered Geographer is a great way to continue supporting and promoting the profession, and gain valuable knowledge and insight about the sectors and career pathways of professional geographers.
We are always interested in hearing from any Chartered Geographers who would like to:
Be an Assessor for Chartered Geographer applications, reviewing and providing feedback on a small number of applications each year.
Review and provide feedback for annual CPD Records, providing brief constructive feedback to prospective or current Chartered Geographers.
Assess applications for CPD kite-marking from training providers.
Offer mentoring, advice and/or peer support to geographers at different points in their career: early-career (in the six to ten years of professional experience leading up to an application for Chartered status); mid-career or senior, around specific career transition points; in specific sectoral or topical areas of interest.
Contact us to register your interest in any of the above opportunities.
Professional and career ambassadors
We feature Chartered Geographers and other professionals in our I am a geographer career profiles, which support our #ChooseGeography campaign. If you would like to have your career profiled in this series, get in touch.
The Society's Professional Ambassadors scheme connects professional geographers with secondary schools and universities, to promote where studying geography can take you in your career.
Read more about becoming a Professional Ambassador.