Eligibility and application process
Chartered Geographer (CGeog) recognises your experience and professionalism in the use of geographical knowledge, understanding and skills in the workplace, and a commitment to maintaining your expertise through CPD.
Eligibility criteria
Applicants for Chartered Geographer (CGeog) must meet the following criteria before CGeog status can be awarded:
- For CGeog, CGeog (GI/GIS), CGeog (Geomorph), CGeog (EO) and CGeog (Econ), have not less than six years (with a degree in geography or a related subject) or ten to fifteen years (without a degree; length of time at the discretion of the assessment panel) experience in the profession and practice of geography since graduating. Where a degree is pursued while working or following a period of professional experience, it will count towards your eligibility.
- For CGeog (Teacher), have not less than six years (with a degree) or ten to fifteen years (without a degree) experience in the profession and practice of teaching geography, including the successful completion of a teacher training year.
- Have undertaken of a range of geographical continuing professional development (CPD) activities and demonstrated a commitment to future CPD, for example conference attendance, internal or external training courses, mentoring.
- Be a Fellow of the Society. Fellowship application can be made at the same time as Chartered Geographer, and is included in the application documents.
- Be capable of addressing the requirements for accreditation in the application, justifying their reasons for wanting to become Chartered in the professional impact statement and supporting materials.
You can find out more about what the assessors look for in our guidance on the application and assessment process and in our responses to frequently asked questions.
We aim to make our application process inclusive and accessible. Please email us at cgeog@rgs.org if you have questions on how we can make reasonable adjustments to support your application.
If you are not sure about your eligibility, we would be happy to offer a free and impartial CV review, to identify how well you meet the criteria above and guide you in making an application in the future.
Please contact us at cgeog@rgs.org, attaching a copy of your CV.
Chartered Geographers may choose to use one of six approved post-nominals to signal a sub-disciplinary specialism:
- CGeog (Econ);
- CGeog (EO);
- CGeog (Geomorph);
- CGeog (GIS);
- CGeog (GI);
- CGeog (Teacher).
The adoption of a post-nominal is entirely optional.
CGeog (Teacher) requires successful completion of a teacher-training year within the qualifying period. All specialisms require you to demonstrate a depth of expertise, experience and professional engagement in the field you have chosen.
Expert sub-disciplinary assessors may be assigned to review your application.
Application forms and evidence
Assessors draw upon the range of evidence you provide in your application, which must include:
- Application form (DOC);
- Application checklist (DOC);
- Professional impact statement (1,000 word limit);
- Extended curriculum vitae (CV), covering at least six years of work experience, or more without a geography degree (use your own template);
- Three-year continuing professional development (CPD) log (DOC);
- Two professional references (DOC) (sent independently to the Society by your referees). Ideally, one reference should be internal to your organisation and senior to you, and another external to your organisation. Neither referee should be your current mentor. If you think this may be difficult, please contact us for advice before you contact your referees;
- If you are not already a Fellow of the Society: an application for Fellowship.
The professional impact statement is the most important part of your application and the quality of it will be the deciding factor for the assessors. Your CV and CPD record should support and evidence your Professional Impact Statement.
Our application and guidance and FAQs provide helpful information about what to include in your application documents, as does the information below on what the assessment panel look for.
Your application should reflect the Chartered Geographer Framework of Competencies throughout (you may wish to draw upon our articulations for each competency statement in terms of the types of evidence or experience you could include).
If you think it strengthens your application, you may also choose to include a small number of supporting documents such as a portfolio of work, publications, or other evidence of engagement and impact.
Application fees
A one-off application fee of £100, plus annual Fellowship subscription of the Society.
To maintain their accreditation, Chartered Geographers pay an annual fee of £50 in addition to their Fellowship subscription.
Application guidance, advice and FAQs
Each of the application templates contains further guidance to help you in completing your application. We have also gathered together further information for applicants in our FAQs. All applicants should read our application guidance and FAQs before starting an application.
You are also encouraged to read about the assessment process, and what assessors look for.