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The Gino Watkins Fund Awards

The Gino Watkins Fund Awards support expeditions guiding and inspiring enterprising people towards scientific research and exploration in the polar regions.

About the Award

The Gino Watkins Memorial Fund, gives grants annually of up to £4000 towards expeditions that meet its objective of the diffusion and improvement of knowledge of the polar regions. The Fund is grateful to the Augustine Courtauld Trust and to the Arctic Club for their continuing financial support.

The Fund endeavours to increase our knowledge of one of the least known, but most important parts of our planet, and also to stimulate the lasting qualities of enterprise, endurance and leadership gained in this uniquely arduous environment. The Fund was set up in 1933 in the memory of Henry George ("Gino") Watkins. Gino Watkins revolutionised polar exploration. He was pursuing these aims in 1932, exploring the feasibility of a trans-Arctic air route, when he was drowned kayaking off the coast of East Greenland.

Expeditions supported by the Fund visit not only Greenland and other high Arctic lands, but also the Antarctic. Ventures to Iceland in the summer and to Norway are not usually awarded grants.

Applications for support by the Fund come from people of all backgrounds.


Application review

A committee of experienced polar explorers and scientists evaluate plans submitted for scientific and educational merit as well as logistical soundness and safety, always bearing in mind the arduous conditions that govern life and travel in these vital and challenging regions. 

The Committee will take account of the proposed locality, the soundness of planning and objectives, and the likelihood of success. Gaining the experience of polar travel is valued as well as scientific research. Expeditions that bring experience and training to young people, or those early in their career, are likely to be favoured, especially where individual initiative, outside of regular academic studies is displayed. Where a research expedition is seeking additional financial support for a particular item these applications may be considered; for such awards the expedition is encouraged to provide clarity on the difference this award will make to their expedition. In making awards the Committee will additionally take account of the financial constraints on the party and the degree of self-help.

Applications are normally considered during February. Successful applicants receive notice of their grants by early April.

The Arctic Club Award, is given to an expedition(s) selected from those who apply to the The Gino Watkins Fund Grants. More information can be found here

The next deadline for applications to the Gino Watkins Fund is 31 January 2025.


How to apply

All prospective grant applicants are encouraged to read our Advice and Resources pages, which include more information about the grants programme, its conditions and what is expected if your application is successful. 

Applicants to the Gino Watkins Fund should submit the following to grants@rgs.org by 31 January 2025:

  • the completed Gino Watkins Fund application form
  • short summaries of team members and their experience (max 200 words per person)
  • a full risk assessment
  • a map/maps showing the location of your expedition

An optional, detailed expedition plan with maps can also be submitted.

Two named referees in your application form should each complete the Gino Watkins Fund reference form and submit this directly to grants@rgs.org before the grant deadline. If your expedition involves scientific research at least one of your referees must be competent to comment on your ability to successfully undertake the research.

To find out more about past Award recipients and reports please follow this link






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