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This information is taken from:

RGS-IBG Expedition Medicine Manual
David Warrell and Sarah Anderson (ed.) Profile Books 2002. 398pp. ISBN 1 86197 434-5.

Important note: This book was published in 2002 so some of the information may now have been revised and most importantly the recommended drugs may also have changed. The latest advice can be found in the Oxford Handbook of Expedition and Wilderness Medicine, 3rd Edition, 2023.


Section 2: Field medicine gives advice on how to deal with some of the medical problems encountered during an expedition.

Chapters from the field medicine section of the manual can be downloaded below.


File nameFiles

File type



Chapter 9: The role of the expedition medical officer


64 KB

Chapter 10: Base camp hygiene and health


304 KB

Chapter 11: Water purification


106 KB

Chapter 12: Assessment of the injured or ill patient


709 KB

Chapter 13: First aid and management of minor injuries


186 KB

Chapter 14: Management of the seriously injured casualty


101 KB

Chapter 15: Remote medical emergency


67 KB

Chapter 16: Casualty evacuation


175 KB

Chapter 17: Medical aspects of survival


104 KB

Chapter 18: Common infections


111 KB

Chapter 19: Malaria and other tropical diseases


675 KB

Chapter 20: Venomous and poisonous animals


240 KB

Chapter 21: Psychological problems on expeditions


56 KB

Chapter 22: Expedition dentistry


60 KB

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