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The Royal Geographical Society Expedition Handbook

Edited by Shane Winser
Published by Profile Books in conjunction with the Royal Geographical Society, 2004. 502pp. ISBN I 86197 0447. 

This essential guide to planning an expedition is packed full of practical information and advice for anyone planning a scientific, adventurous, or school expedition overseas. Although this book is now out of print, individual chapters are available as PDF downloads.

Section 1: Planning and organisation (chapters 1–6) gives advice on how to turn your dream into reality, and the leadership styles you might want to adopt in putting together your team. There are greater opportunities than ever before for people of all ages and abilities to take part in expeditions and fieldwork, and a new chapter offers approaches to providing an inclusive experience for those with disabilities. RGS-IBG particularly encourages host country participation on overseas projects, suggestions are provided on how this can be achieved. Practical issues relating to maps, navigation and catering are also addressed.

Section 2: Finance and fundraising (chapters 7–9) consists of three chapters suggesting a variety of ways to finance your chosen projects: Starting with the budget and techniques for financial management, right through to approaching grant-giving organisations and commercial companies for money and sponsorship. Charity fundraising expeditions which try to raise money for worth causes are now a regular occurrence and advice on these is also given.

Section 3: Safe and responsible expeditions (chapters 10–15) is essential reading.  Preparing a formal risk assessment is a pre-requisite for any expedition and fieldwork, particularly those involving young people. There are chapters on the legal context to this, other aspects of expeditions in particular copyright, and on the recent UK government guidance on school visits, as well as vital information on Insurance and expedition medicine. A new chapter on minimising your impact on both the environment and the people amongst whom you work reflects the Society’s commitment to encouraging responsible expeditions.

Section 4: Expedition logistics (chapters 16–21) provides practical tips from a team of world class explorers, field scientists and travellers on living and working in mountains, hot deserts, tropical forests and polar environments, or undertaking caving, or underwater expeditions.

Section 5: Research projects (chapters 22–27) is intended to suggest possible topics for field research projects in a wide variety of different environments. It begins with a step-by-step guide to designing a research project and gives specific advice on research in tropical forests and wetlands, arid lands and savannas, in the tundra and periglacial regions of the world. 

Section 6: Expedition transport (chapters 28–32) is about how to get the best out of 4x4 vehicles, bicycles, camel, horses and canoes to travel in remote and challenging environments.

Section 7: Recording your expedition (chapters 33–39) provides advice on how to communicate your findings and experiences through photography, sound recording, radio broadcasts and film-making, and gives tips on lecturing and writing-up your expedition report and scientific papers so that there is a lasting record of your achievements.

Important note: This book was published in 2004 so some of the information may have changed. 

RGS Expedition Handbook: Chapter Downloads

File nameFiles

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1. Planning an expedition, by Nigel Winser


114 KB

2. Leadership and teamwork, by Chris Loynes


118 KB

3. Inclusive expedition practice, by Suresh Paul and Karen Darke


283 KB

4. Working with the host country, by Nigel Winser


64 KB

5. Catering for expeditions, by Nigel Gifford


126 KB

6. Maps, navigation and GPS, by Peter Simmonds


591 KB

Additional info: Critical path plan


61 KB

Additional info: Month by month countdown


64 KB

Additional info: Reconnaissance checklist


38 KB

Additional info: Sample planning checklist


53 KB

7. Budgeting and fundraising, by Nigel Winser


109 KB

8. Commercial sponsorship and the media, by Paul Deegan


75 KB

9. Charity fundraising expeditions, by Richard Crane and Justine Williams


81 KB

Additional info: Headings for an expedition brochure


36 KB

Additional info: Sample press release


44 KB

Additional info: Sample proposed budget


59 KB

10. Risk assessment and crisis management, by Clive Barrow


120 KB

11. Expeditions: the legal framework, by Rupert Grey


58 KB

12. School visits: the legal and practical issues, by Vanessa Lee


129 KB

13. Insurance for expeditions, by Mark Whittingham


115 KB

14. Expedition medicine, by David Warrell


1 MB

15. Minimising environmental impact, by Nick Lewis and Paul Deegan


114 KB

16. Mountaineering and trekking expeditions, by Roger Payne


89 KB

17. Desert expeditions, by Tom Sheppard


625 KB

18. Tropical forest expeditions, by Clive Jermy and Corrin Adshead


501 KB

19. Polar expeditions, by David Rootes


290 KB

20. Underwater expeditions, by Juliet Burnett


313 KB

21. Caving expeditions, by Dick Willis


175 KB

22. Choosing a research project and putting it into action, by Dr Rita Gardner


108 KB

23. Projects in tropical forest, by Clive Jermy and Ian Douglas


122 KB

24. Projects in wetlands, by Edward Maltby


285 KB

25. Projects in savannah regions, by Malcolm Coe and Andrew Goudie


150 KB

26. Projects in arid lands, by Paul Munton and Andrew Warren


210 KB

27. Projects in tundra and periglacial regions, by John Matthews


184 KB

28. Vehicle-Dependent Expeditions


2 MB

29. Canoeing and River Rafting Expeditions


676 KB

30. Cycling Expeditions


395 KB

31. Camel Expeditions


1 MB

32. Travelling By Horse


43 KB

33. Guide to writing expedition reports, by Shane Winser and Nicholas McWilliam


135 KB

34. Expedition photography, by Tom Ang


98 KB

35. Writing for magazines, by Miranda Haines


80 KB

36. Some tips on lecturing by Richard Snailhan


54 KB

37. Sound recording and radio broadcasts for expeditions, by Neil Walker


358 KB

38. Video and film-making for expeditions, by Phil Coates


130 KB

39. Writing and publishing scientific papers, by Adrian Barnett


126 KB

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