What makes Cornwall and Devon unique within Britain in terms of extractive landscapes, is that every river and stream flowing from the granite uplands contains tinworks, all potentially worked since prehistoric times and hugely important for the well-being of society.
About the speaker
Dr Tom Greeves, a Plymouth cultural environmentalist, studied European prehistory and Dartmoor tin working. He worked as an archaeologist for Devon Committee for Rescue Archaeology, Devon CC and Dartmoor National Park, 1976-1985, and then led the Parish Maps Project for Common Ground before going freelance in 1990.
Tom's research has focused on Dartmoor, especially its tin working legacy.
Booking information
- Advance booking for this event is not required.
If you have any questions please email events@rgs.org
This event has been organised by the South West committee with Devonshire Association, Plymouth Branch.
Venue information
This event will be held at Plymouth Athenaeum, Derry's Cross, Plymouth, PL1 2SW.