We’re constantly told that money is the shortcut to a good life, the only type of wealth worth pursuing. But what would it mean to lead a truly wealthy life? It may involve money, but in the end, it will be defined by everything else.
Now Stanford-educated entrepreneur and creator Sahil Bloom joins Chris Donnelly live on stage in London to offer a transformative guide, full of practical steps and actionable insights, for redesigning your life around five types of wealth: time, social, mental, physical, and financial.
The result is a deep satisfaction and happiness you can build and maintain across the seasons of your life.
From taking control of how you spend your time to finding depth of connection with those around you, from seeking clarity of purpose to establishing real presence, Sahil will help you make the first steps toward positive change and building a joyful, balanced life.
It’s a journey that can start today – and change your world faster than you thought possible.
Booking information
To book tickets, please visit the How To Academy website.
This event has not been organised by the Society. If you have any questions or require assistance with your booking please contact the event organiser, the How To Academy, via contact@howtoacademy.com
Venue information
Royal Geographical Society (with IBG), 1 Kensington Gore, London, SW7 2AR