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Dr Patrick Gleeson will talk about the recent archaeological excavations at Emain Macha, or Navan Fort. The site was previously excavated in the 1960s, and Paddy's ongoing research seeks to explain the site's importance as part of a wider landscape of Iron Age structures across the island of Ireland. These 'Royal Sites of Ireland' currently sit on the UNESCO 'tentative list' for World Heritage Site status.

About the speaker

Dr Patrick Gleeson is a lecturer at the School of Natural and Built Environment at Queen's University Belfast. He currently has ongoing field projects examining later prehistoric and early medieval cult landscapes, power centres, and royal landscapes in Ireland and Scotland

Booking information

  • Advance booking for this event is not required.

If you have any questions please email events@rgs.org

This event has been organised by the Northern Ireland committee.

Venue information

This event will be held in the Geography Department, School of Natural Built Environment, Elmwood Avenue, Queen’s University, Belfast. 

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Key Information

Open to all
20 February 2025, 7.00pm-9.00pm
Queen's University Belfast
