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The United Nations’ Committee of Experts on global geospatial information management (UN-GGIM) was set up in 2011 to shape and guide the global geospatial information landscape. James Norris, International Policy Lead, Ordnance Survey, will give an overview of the major programmes and frameworks which have been developed to help any nation to increase their geospatial maturity. James will be joined by Mark Iliffe from the UN-GGIM Secretariat who will give an overview of some of the practical tools that the UN creates and uses.

James will focus on the Integrated Geospatial Information Framework which is being used by many nations across the globe to assess their geospatial maturity and create roadmaps for development. He will also touch on work that is being undertaken to understand how geography and geospatial information underpins the Sustainable Development Goals. The final part of James' talk will focus on the UK’s involvement in UN-GGIM from its inception to the present day.

This event has been organised by the South committee with Ordnance Survey. 

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