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Having a professional CV (curriculum vitae) showcases what you have achieved to date in your career in a concise and appealing way.

This webinar will explore what employers look for in CVs, how to present your experience and how to fill gaps in your experience. We will hear from a panel of experienced employers.


  • Tina Thomson

  • Tom Graham

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For more ideas, see our resource on writing an effective CV and covering letter.

Our resource on curating a professional CV is another useful reference point.

We also have many other resources to support you through your professional journey.

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Having a professional CV (curriculum vitae) showcases what you have achieved to date in your career in a concise and appealing way.

This webinar will explore what employers look for in CVs, how to present your experience and how to fill gaps in your experience. We will hear from a panel of experienced employers and then there will be opportunity to ask questions.


  • Tina Thomson

  • Tom Graham

For more ideas, see our resource on writing an effective CV and covering letter.

Our resource on curating a professional CV is another useful reference point.

We also have many other resources to support you through your professional journey.