Frequently asked questions
Have a query about venue hire? Read some of our most frequently asked questions.
If you can’t find the answer to your query below, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.
Location and access
How do I get to the Royal Geographical Society?
The venue is located on the intersection of Exhibition Road and Kensington Gore. The nearest underground stations are South Kensington (Piccadilly, District and Circle lines) and Knightsbridge (Piccadilly line) which are both approximately a 10-15 minute walk. There is also a bus stop outside the Royal Albert Hall which is served by the following bus routes: 9, 52 and 452.
Which is my event entrance?
There are two entrances to the building (Exhibition Road and Kensington Gore) so please refer to your package details for your designated event entrance.
Does the venue have parking?
We have a limited number of parking spaces at the venue. If available, you may book a space by emailing us with the following: vehicle make, model and colour, registration number, owner's name and contact telephone.
Does the venue have outside space?
The venue has a beautiful outside terrace which your guests would be welcome to use if available, however this is a shared space for the Society’s staff, fellows and other guests so is not exclusively hireable. Therefore, event set-up is not permitted on our terrace area. Please keep in mind that the terrace is not always available, particularly when marquees are being constructed.
Is the Society a private venue?
The Society is a working building for Society staff, Fellows and Members. The Ondaatje Theatre, Education Centre and small meeting rooms are all private rooms.
Is the venue wheelchair accessible?
The Exhibition Road and Kensington Gore entrances are both wheelchair accessible. There are two spaces in the Ondaatje Theatre for wheelchair users, but should you require additional spaces then please do contact us at venuehire@rgs.org in advance. A ramp can be provided for speakers to access the stage.
There are a set of steps on the ground floor of the venue (connecting the Theatre to the ambulatory), but a stair lift is available for wheelchair users. The Lowther Room is located on the first floor but can be accessed by a small lift. Unfortunately, the Council Room is not wheelchair accessible.
Are pets permitted?
Registered assistance dogs are very welcome, however other pets cannot be accommodated at the venue.
My booking
Am I eligible for the reduced rates?
We are proud to offer our reduced rate to charities with a registered charity number and educational institutions. We also offer Society Fellows and Members a reduced rate for private hires such as a birthday party or wedding.
Is my booking confirmed?
Please sign and return your contract as well as the event description form to confirm your booking. All holds without a contract are only provisional. We will confirm receipt of the signed contract in writing over email.
Can I cancel my booking?
As per the contract, once you confirm your booking a cancellation fee will apply. This fee will apply for both cancellations and postponements.
Event planning
When do I have access to the venue?
You have access to the venue during your booked hours (including set-up and de-rig). You will not have access to the venue to set-up prior to your booked hours.
When can my event start and finish?
You must ensure you allow at least one hour of set-up time from the start of your hire slot before starting your event. You must finish your event at least half an hour before the end of your hire slot to allow for de-rig.
Can I add extra hours onto my booking?
We can offer early set-up time prior to 8.00am or extend de-rig time after 11.00pm on an hourly rate, please contact the Venue Hire team for further information on specific rates for this. Hire between 8.00am and 11.00pm is subject to the hire periods outlined in the brochures.
Who registers and checks in my attendees?
Please arrange for your team to check in and badge your attendees on arrival. A desk and seats near the entrance will be provided for your team. If you have booked one of our small meeting rooms, then please share a list of attendee names in advance and our reception team can check in guests for you.
Can I deliver items to the venue?
All deliveries must be approved prior to delivery. Small deliveries can be delivered within 24 hours of your event and must be labelled with your event name. Larger deliveries must be delivered and collected during your booked hours. Please note we cannot accept any pallets on site and deliveries on pallets will be refused.
Do you have a box office to sell tickets?
We unfortunately do not have a box office to sell tickets, however we can advertise your event free of charge on the Society’s website as a non-Society event.
How far in advance do I need to confirm my running details?
We would ask for an initial running order / programme to be shared three months in advance, with a final running order submitted one month prior to your event date. Please be aware that we may not be able to accommodate last minute requests due to staffing or resource restrictions, so please let us know your requirements well in advance to avoid disappointment.
Do you have furniture and decoration for the venue?
Your hire package includes use of the venue’s standard furniture, please get in touch for details of what can be provided. Uplighter packages are also available to add-on to your booking to decorate the venue.
Can I bring in additional items to set-up such as flowers or furniture?
All external set-up must be approved by the Venue Hire Team. Please note that all set-up must be delivered, set-up, de-rigged, and collected during your booked hours.
Is smoking permitted at the venue?
The Society is a non-smoking venue, this includes the use of e-cigarettes and vapes and applies to our Kensington Gore forecourt, and terrace and lawn areas.
Do I need to provide a first aider?
We have first aid kits and a first aid room on site, however you need to provide your own first aider for the event.
How do I book catering for my event?
All catering (including drinks and the provision of a pay-bar facility) must be booked with our trusted partner Lodge Catering who can be contacted on 020 8960 5794 or by email at events@lodge-catering.co.uk
We unfortunately cannot permit any external catering.
Do you have a café or bar on site?
We unfortunately do not have a café or bar available to purchase refreshments. All catering would need to be booked in advance with our trusted partner Lodge Catering.
Can food and drink be taken into the Ondaatje Theatre?
To protect the lecture theatre food and drink are not permitted.
Audio and visual
Ondaatje Theatre: what microphones can I use?
We can provide 3x lapel mics, 4x hand-held mics as well as the lectern microphone. We have a further 3x lapel mics available at the venue, but this would require you to book a second AV technician at £275+VAT.
Education Centre: what microphones can I use?
We can provide 2x lapel mics, 2x hand-held mics as well as the lectern microphone.
Will I be required to book an additional AV technician?
More complex events would require you to book additional AV technicians at £275+VAT so we have the capacity to run your programme. Please find examples of instances when an additional technician may be required:
- Additional microphones.
- Remote speaker joining on Zoom.
- Multiple speakers and/or panel discussions.
- Multiple breakout sessions.
- Programmes without breaks or intermissions.
- Musical or other performances.
When should I send my presentations and content?
We require all presentations and other content to be sent at least 2 working days in advance. If you have specific content that you would like to test on our system, please provide this to us at least 1 week prior. Content received after this time may not be checked.
Can I run the event from my own laptop?
Typically, all events are run from the laptops provided by the venue to ensure compatibility with our equipment. We would strongly recommend that content is run from our system to ensure a smooth-running event, however you can book additional AV support to connect your own laptops.
Do you offer video recording and live streaming?
In the Ondaatje Theatre, we have four Panasonic static cameras to offer video recording/live streaming and have two different package levels available to add on to your hire booking. Please note we do not offer any streaming platforms or post event editing. Unfortunately, we do not currently offer a video recording/live streaming service in the Education Centre.
Can I bring in my own film team to film and live stream?
You are welcome to bring in a team to film and live stream your event, on the proviso that there is no reference to the Society in any promotional material or media as anything other than the venue. We can provide the audio feed, but all other equipment should be provided by your team.
In the Theatre, we recommend your film team set-up on the balcony next to the projection booth and in the Education Centre, we recommend your film team set-up at the back of the room. Please note this will likely impact the capacity of the Education Centre.