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I work at the Ministry of Defence, provisioning mapping and digital data. I am experienced in production, research, IT capability and data schema development, managing requirements and international relationships and policy. I have advised governments on international boundary issues at diplomatic levels. As an Army Reservist commander, I have practical experience of operational Geo delivery.


  • Location: East of England
  • Availability: daytime, evening, online and in person 
  • Key stage: KS4 and KS5
  • Themes: geopolitics, GIS, government and defence 

Current or most recent role

I am the Head of Learning, Development and Talent responsible for recruiting/retention, initial Geo training, staff development/career paths including defining the Defence Geography profession as well as outreach to academia and professional organisations. I have latterly taken up the additional role of Government Geography Profession Deputy Head for Outreach and Talent pipeline.

Previous experience

I am currently involved in developing outreach for both the Defence Geographic Centre and Government Geography Profession. I have extensive experience of promoting geography at careers fairs, STEM events, industry conferences and exhibitions and leading British Cartographic Society Restless Earth sessions. I have also supported local council job events specifically for non-mainstream people trying to gain employment.

Why I want to become a professional ambassador

I am passionate about geography and keen to promote the rewarding careers available to young geographers. 

Types of activities 

  • Talking about current job and career pathway
  • Attending a careers fair 
  • Running activities about my career sector and the opportunities available; talking about what geographical skills I use at work and how geography is used in the 'real world' 

Email Alice at to connect with Neal