I have a first class degree in geography, a MSc in Transport Engineering and MBA from Warwick. I didn't really know what I wanted to do at school, so followed my heart and studied geography - I've never looked back.
- Location: London, South
- Availability: daytime, evening, in person
- Key stage: KS3, KS4, KS5 and undergraduate
- Themes: cities, government, transport and society
Current or most recent role
I am responsible for the growth of WSP UK in public sector and the growth of the EMIA Aviation business. I have executive ownership of WSP's relationships with contractors.
Why I want to become a professional ambassador
I'm close to the end of my 40 year career and I want to stay engaged. I would like to impart my business knowledge with those in a place where I was, thinking: what shall I do when I graduate?
Types of activities
- Talking about current job and career pathway
- Attending a careers fair
- Talking about the sector I work in, the opportunities, what geographical skills I use at work and how geography is used in the 'real world'
- Inspiring young people to choose geography
- Classroom based activities or working with small groups of students to talk about career options