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I have an undergraduate in BA Geography with Spatial Data Science and a postgraduate in MSc Environment, Politics and Development. Before becoming a Civil Service Fast Streamer I had done a variety of internships and temp/freelance work as an environment consultant, researcher and writer.

  • Location: London
  • Availability: evening, online and in person
  • Key stage: KS5 and undergraduate
  • Themes: geopolitics, international development, using data in geography 
Current or most recent role

I am a Stats Fast Streamer for the Civil Service. I use data analysis, data visualisation and data communication in a wide variety of projects with the civil service.

Previous experience

I was an undergraduate geography ambassador with the Royal Geographical Society which resulted in me being offered the chance to become a mentor. I was also a freelance speaker for the Blueprint for All project. I was giving presentations about how to navigate university and careers after A Levels for sixth formers in deprived areas of London.

Why I want to become a Professional Ambassador

A fascination with geographical phenomena has carried me throughout the later stages of my educational journey. This is a fascination which continues to follow me into my newly found career. I am, as many other geographers are, aware of the misconceptions surrounding where geography can take you and how it can help you develop.

The discipline has been beneficial for both my personal and career development which is a perspective I want to share the benefits geography with those still within their educational journey.

Types of activities 

  • Attending a careers fair 
  • Talking about what geographical skills I use at work and how geography is used in the 'real world' 
  • Inspiring young people to choose geography
  • Supporting a geography club or eco club 
  • Supporting fieldwork and opportunities outside the classroom

Contact Bryce via LinkedIn