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Directory of geography courses

Use our Directory of geography courses to as a guide to geography in higher education in the UK.

About the directory

The directory is a guide to geography in higher education in the UK, with information on:

  • Which universities offer geography-related courses in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland
  • Links to the relevant department web pages, which include the most up-to date information about each course
  • Which institutions have at least one programme currently accredited by the Society.

In previous years, the Society biennially published the book Directory of University Geography Courses. Since 2005, this information has been published online.

Map of undergraduate geography courses

Institutions with at least one programme accredited by the Society are highlighted in orange on the map below.

Further information

For more detailed information on courses and universities, we strongly encourage you to go to the department’s website and/or to contact them directly.

Any changes or suggestions for improvement for this resource would be welcomed. Please send them to or write to Dr Catherine Souch, Head of Research and Higher Education, Royal Geographical Society (with IBG), 1 Kensington Gore, London SW7 2AR.

More about accreditation
