Work experience directory
This directory provides a useful list of school, undergraduate, recent graduate and postgraduate work placements and volunteering experiences in various sectors.
Discover online and in-person opportunities.
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National Trust
A range of local volunteering/work experience opportunities.
Met Office
Met Office work experience and placements at multiple levels.
Opportunities with Jacobs across various disciplines including geospatial and digital, transport planning, project management and strategic consulting.
Geographical magazine
Remote internships for undergraduates with Geographical magazine.
Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)
A scheme for undergraduates from under-represented groups to experience postgraduate social sciences research.
Department for Education: teaching internships
A teaching internship gives you the opportunity to spend three weeks in a school and find out what teaching is really like.
Department for Education: get school experience
School experience allows you to find out more about teaching by visiting schools.
Short-term placements for students aged between 14-18 years old.
Civil Service Fast Stream - Summer Diversity Internship Programme
The SDIP gives people from diverse backgrounds the opportunity to see what a career in the Civil Service is like.
Civil Service Fast Stream - Early Diversity Intership Programme
The five-day placement in a government department provides insight on what it's like to be on the Fast Stream.
CENTA Research Experience Placement
Students will carry out research projects within the environmental sciences.
British Antarctic Survey
BAS will host a virtual work experience week in 2022.