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Orange welcome sign that reads Royal Geographical Society with IBG.

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Conference delegates listening attentively to a presentation.

Annual International Conference

The RGS-IBG Annual International Conference regularly attracts over 2,000 geographers from around the world. 

The RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2025 will be chaired by Professor Patricia Noxolo (University of Birmingham, UK), on the theme of Geographies of creativity/creative geographies.

The conference will take place at the University of Birmingham and online, from Tuesday 26 August to Friday 29 August 2025.

The call for sessions, papers and posters is now open! Find out more using the cards below.

Dead leaves on dark soil next to a mirror showing bright living leaves and branches.

Chair's theme

The Chair's theme for the 2025 Annual International Conference is Geographies of creativity/creative geographies.

Closeup image of a person typing on laptop computer keyboard.

Call for sessions, papers and posters

The call for sessions, papers and posters is now open.

A presenter discussing their poster with another conference attendee.

Guidance for presenters

Information about presenting at the conference for prospective presenters.

A presenter speaks to a room of people. A large screen show a slide of a PowerPoint presentation.

Guidance for session organisers

Read this guidance before circulating your call for papers and submitting your session proposal.

An open laptop, coffee mug containing coffee, notebook, pen and mobile phone on a desk.

Frequently asked questions

Read answers to frequently asked questions about submissions for the conference programme.

A stack of International Conference 2019 programmes with one programme booklet in focus.

Key dates and deadlines

The 2025 conference will take place at the University of Birmingham, and online, from Wednesday 27 to Friday 29 August 2025, with opening events on Tuesday 26 August. 

A person writing in a notebook while listening to a conference presentation, seated next to two other conference delegates


The conference programme will be published in May 2025.

A person sorting green lanyards and badges into plastic boxes.


Registration will open in spring 2025.

A delegate talks to a publisher's representative in the exhibitors' area

Information for exhibitors

Information for exhibitors at the conference.

The Aston Webb building at the University of Birmingham on a sunny Spring day.

Conference venue

More information about the venue of the upcoming conference.

A person in a blue floral dress sits in the Society's garden with a laptop on their lap as other people sit and walk nearby.

Planning your attendance

Access useful information to help you plan your attendance at the conference, both in-person and virtual.

Pile of orange conference lanyards with white lettering reading RGS-IBG.

Code of conduct

The Society's annual conference code of conduct applies to all delegates and participants.

A circular orange sign reading 'Royal Geographical Society with IBG' and 'Welcome', next to a green plant with pink flowers.

Inclusivity and safety at the conference

Find out more about how we make the conference as inclusive as possible.

Folded cardboard boxes stacked in rows.

Sustainability at the conference

Find out more about our sustainability policies for the conference.

Stack of printed RGS-IBG Annual Internaion Conference 2016 programmes.


A brief history of the RGS-IBG Annual International Conference.

Audience member with a notebook and pen on their lap, seated next to other people.

Future conferences

The Society hosts the conference in our building in London for two out of every three years. Every third year we take the conference out of London.