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The Conference of Heads of Geography in Higher Education Institutions

The Conference of Heads of Geography in Higher Education Institutions (CHGHEI) is a group which promotes the discipline of geography and supports the study of geography in higher education institutions in the UK. It comprises heads of geography from universities in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

CHGHEI holds at least two meetings per year to promote discussion and sharing of experience and best practice between heads of geography. Since summer 2020 it has held regular virtual meetings. In addition to sharing best practice it responds to relevant consultations on matters impacting geography in higher education.

While CHGHEI works closely with the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG), it remains an independent organisation.

Chair: Professor Martin Evans, University of Manchester.

Secretary: Professor Jenny Pickerill, University of Sheffield.

Principles for undergraduate field courses

In December 2020, the Heads unanimously agreed to five principles that should guide departments in the planning and delivery of the fieldwork provision for all undergraduate geography programmes.

The intent of these principles is not to limit fieldwork opportunities - these are fundamental to a geographical education - but rather to ensure that departments develop their fieldwork programmes in ways which maximise the benefits of field education and minimise the disbenefits.

The principles apply at programme, not module, level. Implementation should be guided by evidence and good practice.

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Contact information

If you would like to join the group and participate in our meetings please contact Dr Catherine Souch