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We respond regularly to consultations and calls for evidence from government departments, Parliamentary Select Committees and other bodies.

11 Results found

Policy options for geographic information from Ordnance Survey

Our response welcomes the proposed release of certain OS datasets, and argues for sustained long-term funding for OS and MasterMap.

Draft Concordat on Open Research Data

Our response welcomes voluntary frameworks, and advocates for greater recognition of the diversity of data types and research practices.

Closing the STEM skills gap inquiry

Our written evidence to the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee inquiry into the STEM skills gap. Response submitted 2017

ONS approach to measuring and reporting SDGs in the UK

A consultation on measuring and reporting the SDGs. Our response emphasises the importance of GI to evaluating SDG progress

Geospatial Commission: Call For Evidence

Our evidence to the Cabinet Office focuses on the role of geography in delivering geospatial and broader geographical skills. We highlight a need to support subject specialist staff and relevant GI training in schools and HE.

Improving adult basic digital skills

Our response notes that draft standards do not sufficiently recognise important geographical digital skills and privacy issues around geospatial data.

Right to Privacy (Article 8) and the Digital Revolution

Our written evidence to the Joint Committee on Human Rights calls for scrutiny of how geospatial data is collected and shared, and how this impacts privacy.

Subject content for digital Functional Skills qualifications

The Department for Education sought views on whether proposed subject content will develop the digital skills needed for work and everyday life. Our response focused on the further development of spatial literacy and the use of digital map apps and websites.

National Data Strategy call for evidence

In our reponse to the DCMS consultation, we identify examples and opportunities for geospatial data use, advocate for geospatial training, and raise issues around personal privacy.

National Data Strategy

In our response to the DCMS consultation we advocate for recognition of data skills in the humanities and the importance of geospatial data use

Revised education for sustainable development (ESD) guidance

Our response to this QAA consultation welcomes the revised guidance and specific competencies, and argues that geospatial and environmental data skills should be given greater attention.