Medal and award nominations
If you would like to nominate someone for a medal or award, please follow the guidelines below and provide the required documents.
Nominations should consist of:
- A completed nomination form with a statement of 200-300 words outlining the achievements and reasons why the candidate should receive the award.
- A Curriculum Vitae of the candidate (or similar, for instance a LinkedIn page. We recognise that a CV format is not suitable for all professions).
- A written support of 200 words from each of the two or three additional Fellows or members of the Society.
- Membership numbers of the proposer and supporters should be included in all correspondence.
It is important that the proposer’s statement pays attention to the remit of the specific award.
The two or three supporters of the nomination should submit their letters to the Society independently of the proposer.
All nomination materials, including letters from the supporting members/Fellows, should be sent to director@rgs.org by the nomination deadline of 5.00pm on Monday 17 February 2025.
Refer to the full nomination guidelines below for further information on the nomination process, including whether two or three supporting letters are required.